September 08, 2005

Screwing The Pooch... Again

Via Breitbart:

Recording stars Sheryl Crow, Alicia Keys, Paul Simon, Neil Young and the Dixie Chicks will headline a telethon for Hurricane Katrina victims slated to air this week on six major U.S. networks and around the world, producers said on Wednesday.
But it was not clear whether they or any of the other celebrities booked for Friday's event, including comedian Chris Rock and movie star Jack Nicholson, will be permitted to freely express their opinions during the show or required to stick to the script.
The question arose after impromptu remarks last Friday by rapper Kanye West, who used his appearance on a similar NBC network broadcast to accuse President George W. Bush of racism in the government's relief effort.

The Dixie Chicks? You've got to really wonder why they're being dragged out now, since Natalie Maines torpedoed their careers in 2003. Please note: the media didn't torpedo them, their fan base did. Are the media hoping for another celebrity meltdown?

Perhaps the media didn't learn a damn thing from the whole Kanye West episode... or perhaps they have decided that they are willing to trade the damage they do to the charity relief efforts in exchange for some hoped-for damage against President Bush.

I hope the potential "damage" is worth the loss of donations.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 11:12 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 224 words, total size 2 kb.

September 07, 2005

Blanco Cried, New Orleans Died

Has any governor's incompetence has ever led to more deaths?

More here

NEW AND IMPROVED!: Now With 100% more FEMA!

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:56 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Gutless Wonder

Via Fox News:

Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco seemed at odds with New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Wednesday, hours after the mayor ordered the mandatory evacuation of the crippled Crescent City by force if necessary.

As floodwaters caused by Hurricane Katrina began to slowly recede with the ruined city's first pumps returning to operation, Nagin late Tuesday authorized law enforcement officers to force the evacuation of the estimated 10,000 residents who refuse to heed orders to leave.

But in a Wednesday interview with FOX News, Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco said she had not signed off on the decision.

"The mayor certainly has ordered that but the governor, and that would be me, would have to enforce it or implement it. We are trying to determine whether there is an absolute justification for that," she told FOX News.

Bodies are decaying in a toxic stew of industrial chemicals, spilled sewage, and leaking natural gas. According to the CDC five people have already died from bacterial infections, and e. coli is just one of the potentially deadly biological hazards in the streets. That does not include tthe threat of disease-carrying insects, vermin, poisonous snakes, and alligators. This does not even begin to factor in two-legged predators running and gunning their way through the streets.

Kathleen Blanco is an unserious woman in serious times. Someone should start investigating the procedures for removing a Louisiana governor from office. Her incompetence, indecisiveness, and vindictiveness have led to the loss of far too many lives already.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 08:39 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 253 words, total size 2 kb.

September 06, 2005

Nagin Rolls Over on Blanco

(h/t: LGF)

I have made it quite clear that I hold New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin in almost complete contempt for his failure to follow the New Orleans hurricane evacuation plan prior to Hurricane Katrina's arrival, but he has performed at least one useful role since he left 100,000 of his poorest citizens to die: he exposed Governor Kathleen Blanco as the incompetent, self-serving hack many held her to be:

From CNN:

S. O'BRIEN: There are people who say your evacuation plan, obviously in hindsight, was disastrous.


S. O'BRIEN: Your evacuation plan before -- when you put people into the Superdome. It wasn't thought out. You got 20,000 people in there. And that you bear the brunt of the blame for some of this, a large chunk of it.

NAGIN: Look, I'll take whatever responsibility that I have to take. But let me ask you this question: When you have a city of 500,000 people, and you have a category 5 storm bearing down on you, and you have the best you've ever done is evacuate 60 percent of the people out of the city, and you have never issued a mandatory evacuation in the city's history, a city that is a couple of hundred years old, I did that. I elevated the level of distress to the citizens.

And I don't know what else I could do, other than to tell them that it's a mandatory evacuation. And if they stayed, make sure you have a frigging ax in your home, where you can bust out the roof just in case the water starts flowing.

And as a last resort, once this thing is above a category 3, there are no buildings in this city to withstand a category 3, a category 4 or a category 5 storm, other than the Superdome. That's where we sent people as a shelter of last resort. When that filled up, we sent them to the Convention Center. Now, you tell me what else we could have done.

S. O'BRIEN: What has Secretary Chertoff promised you? What has Donald Rumsfeld given you and promised you?

NAGIN: Look, I've gotten promises to -- I can't stand anymore promises. I don't want to hear anymore promises. I want to see stuff done. And that's why I'm so happy that the president came down here, because I think they were feeding him a line of bull also. And they were telling him things weren't as bad as it was.

He came down and saw it, and he put a general on the field. His name is General Honore. And when he hit the field, we started to see action.

And what the state was doing, I don't frigging know. But I tell you, I am pissed. It wasn't adequate.

And then, the president and the governor sat down. We were in Air Force One. I said, 'Mr. President, Madam Governor, you two have to get in sync. If you don't get in sync, more people are going to die.'

S. O'BRIEN: What date was this? When did you say that? When did you say...

NAGIN: Whenever air Force One was here.


NAGIN: And this was after I called him on the telephone two days earlier. And I said, 'Mr. President, Madam Governor, you two need to get together on the same page, because of the lack of coordination, people are dying in my city.'

S. O'BRIEN: That's two days ago.

NAGIN: They both shook -- I don't know the exact date. They both shook their head and said yes. I said, 'Great.' I said, 'Everybody in this room is getting ready to leave.' There was senators and his cabinet people, you name it, they were there. Generals. I said, 'Everybody right now, we're leaving. These two people need to sit in a room together and make a doggone decision right now.'

S. O'BRIEN: And was that done?

NAGIN: The president looked at me. I think he was a little surprised. He said, "No, you guys stay here. We're going to another section of the plane, and we're going to make a decision."

He called me in that office after that. And he said, "Mr. Mayor, I offered two options to the governor." I said -- and I don't remember exactly what. There were two options. I was ready to move today. The governor said she needed 24 hours to make a decision.

S. O'BRIEN: You're telling me the president told you the governor said she needed 24 hours to make a decision?


S. O'BRIEN: Regarding what? Bringing troops in?

NAGIN: Whatever they had discussed. As far as what the -- I was abdicating a clear chain of command, so that we could get resources flowing in the right places.

S. O'BRIEN: And the governor said no.

NAGIN: She said that she needed 24 hours to make a decision. It would have been great if we could of left Air Force One, walked outside, and told the world that we had this all worked out. It didn't happen, and more people died. [emphasis added]

In other words, Nagin is placing the blame for at least some of the unnecessary deaths squarely upon the head of an indecisive, posssibly incompetent Governor Kathleen Blanco. Based upon this article, Bush is still having problems getting a useful response from a governor who seems more intent on covering her own butt than saving the lives of her citizens.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 01:42 AM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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September 05, 2005

Thank You

As I type this, Hurricane Katrina: Blog for Relief Weekend is drawing to a close. Thanks to big-hearted readers just like you, blog readers have logged more than $ 1,074,387 in donations, and that does not come close to including all blog donations.

Via Michelle Malkin, I see that Americans have donated at least $404 million dollars to help victims of Hurricane Katrina so far.

I'd also like to thank our generous foreign donors as well.

Thank you one and all.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 11:54 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 85 words, total size 1 kb.

September 04, 2005

Ray Nagin's Legacy


These estimated 205 school buses drown in New Orleans, presumably along with the 364 buses of the New Orleans Regional Transportation Authority.

If these estimated 569 buses were truly on hand, and if each carried 60 people, then 34,140 of New Orleans' most needy citizens could have been evacuated completely out of the city each trip.

According to NOLA's official hurricane disaster plans, these very buses should have been used to evacuate the poor and the needy. Ray Nagin couldn't follow written directions. His incompetence was lethal to thousands.

Tell me, legal eagles, how long do you get in Louisiana for 10,000 counts of negligent homicide?

Update: It just keeps getting worse. Bryan Preston of Junkyard Blog, who has done excellent work on the bus scandal, now has more as he posts temporarily at Michelle Malkin's.

He has discovered that under Mayor Nagin's leadership, the New Orleans Police Department has suffered a near-complete meltdown.

Via poster "Cylinder" in the comments:

137 flooded New Orleans Regional Transportation Authority buses in New Orleans in a lot at 2817 Canal Street, as captured from Google Maps.

Additional Update: The New Orleans Disaster Plan? Make and send out a DVD to citizens saying , "you're on your own." Only they didn't make the video in time for hurricane season.

So, screw you New Orleans, only we're not gonna tell your screwed. Thanks, Ray.

The more I hear about the extreme incompetence of the local authorities, the defensive posturing of state authorities, and a federal response which is sounding more and more like it worked as designed, the more I think that we do need a "Katrina Commission," but one that realistically and honestly evaluates the responses of local, state and federal governments to Hurricane Katrina, not just the poltical federally-targeted blame-game Hillary wants to play political football with. Hillary actually does have something of a point - FEMA may very well function better as an independent agency - but an investigation targeted at the federal-level only addresses 1/3 of the problem (perhaps far less than that, as evidence to date seems to indicate).

We need to find the most efficient way to handle a mass casualty event, whether it be weather, or terror related. Weneed this as a nation, and it should be apolitical (yeah, I know...) An investigation of all three levels of government involvement, including honest failure analysis, is needed.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:33 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
Post contains 406 words, total size 3 kb.

NOLA Looters Killed in Return Fire

New Orleans Cops Shoot Eight.

Those looters (five or six of which were killed) were shot by NOLA police officers becuase the thugs were firing upon Army Corps of Engineers contractors brought in to try to fix the levees.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:04 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 51 words, total size 1 kb.

Genorosity Beyond Words

As anyone reading blogs over the past few days probably knows, many blogs have pulled together to try to raise money on behalf of the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Towards that end, my real-life brother Phin and his partner Sadie at Apothegm Designs decided to hold a blog design auction. They would auction off their considerable blog design services to raise money for hurricane relief. The original idea went up and had 32 other bloggers (including yours truly) promoting it. Pixy Misa, who is the benevolent soul who owns and runs the domain, generously sweetened the deal with free hosting and a domain.

Nugget ($510) and That One Guy ($500) were the two winners, and I have to say that Phin was happy with the results.

And then something else happened. Something really, really unexpected. Let Phin tell you the rest. It will warm your heart.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:34 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Hurricane Katrina: Blog for Relief Weekend Continues

$698,330 has been donated so far in the Hurricane Katrina: Blog for Relief Weekend being promoted by at least 1,344 bloggers.

Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit has a long, long list of links to charities working hard to help those most in need in the wake of the near total devastation of Hurricane Katrina.

I personally made the following recommendation earlier:

My humble submission to Glenn's list is Samaritan's Purse. Samaritan's Purse is a Christian relief organization run by Franklin Graham, son of legendary minister Bill Graham.

They already have trucks rolling south, and have two disaster relief teams in Alabama. They will base in Mobile, Alabama and will work their way toward the Mississippi and Louisiana coasts, coordinating thousands of volunteers from local churches to rehabilitate as many homes as possible.

They also accept employer matching funds.

Help them help the victims if you can. Samaritan's Purse not only helps rebuild buildings, they help rebuild faith.

We'll be fundraising through Monday, so please give if you can. A heartfelt thank you goes out to all of you who have opened your hearts and your wallets.

9/04/05 Update: THIS LINK goes directly to the Samaritan's Purse online donations page.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 03:20 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 212 words, total size 2 kb.

The Brilliance of Kanye West

As everyone is now brutally aware, musician, record producer and conspiracy theorist Kanye West had a meltdown during NBC's Hurricane Katrina Relief Telethon last night. He claimed that "America is set up to help the poor, the black people the less well off as slow as possible," that "they've given them permission to go down and shoot us,"and top it off, that "George Bush doesn't care about black people."

Dan Riehl has the video.

As you may well imagine, many people were turned off by West's assertions, and the Red Cross and NBC were both inundated with rightfully outraged callers angry that West would politicize such an event, and furious that NBC chose to broadcast the footage instead of dumping it.

Of course, West's assertions are each and every one idiotic.

Hurricane Katrina like all major hurricanes, caused widespread, catastrophic destruction in every neighborhood in an area the size of Great Britain. Somehow, West was unable to reconcile the fact that predominantly white resort communities were also destroyed, or that while New Orleans is all but evacated now, these mostly-white communities are still waiting upon aid.

While authorities did call for a stiff response to rampaging looters, shoot-to-kill orders were never issued for a certain race, but only for specific actions including shooting at police officers. Those merely looking for food for survivial were never targeted. Of course, Mr. West doesn't let facts stand in his way.

As for "not caring about black people," Bush's record of appointing more minorities to key positions of power than any president in history, speaks for itself.

His comments were irrational, foolish, and lacking in any credibility, but they do fit a pattern of behavior.

West once claimed this double whammy:

"It's a man-made disease in the first place that was placed in Africa just like crack was placed in the black community to break up the Black Panther party."

Men made AIDs? God might tend to disagree, as mankind has never been able to synthesize an entirely new lifeform, even something as simple as a virus.

The Marxist-Leninist Black Panther Party subsided in power by the early 1970s and was completely disbanded by 1977. It was only after the Black Panthers were all but destroyed that crack was invented.

Of course, you don't have to bother with providing facts or even making sense if you're Kanye West, college dropout and conspiracy star, because you're JUST THAT BRILLIANT.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 12:47 AM | Comments (36) | Add Comment
Post contains 414 words, total size 3 kb.

September 03, 2005

Blogger Aid Continues

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.

Matthew 25:35-36

Folks, we bloggers are going to continue to ask you to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina throughout the weekend. A geographical area the size of Great Britain has been all but obliterated, and hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are:

  • without homes
  • without jobs
  • without clothes
  • without food
  • almost, almost without hope

Please help give them that hope by donating to one of the many fine charities listed here. My personal recommendation is here. Please log all donations here so that we know we're making a difference.

Thank you.

Update: Bumped to top.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:02 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 159 words, total size 1 kb.

Hurricane Housing

Don't let the group behind this dissuade you from participating, it is a very worthy cause. People can offer hurricane victims a place to stay, and people displaced by Katrina can search for housing in areas they've evacuated to around the country.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 47 words, total size 1 kb.

September 02, 2005

Blog Design/Domain/Hosting Auction for Hurricane Katrina Relief Ends Tonight

Phin at Apothegm Designs has a rather unique fund-raising effort underway for Hurricane Katrina victims, and the fund-raising effort is targeted squarely at the blogging community, with a great payoff for both us, and the American Red Cross.

They are auctioning off a pair of custom blog designs to the two highest bidders through the end of today, Friday, September 2. You've seen examples of their work at the Llama Butchers, The Jawa Report, Naked Villainy and here among many others. Their designs are fast-loading, technically sound, and aesthetically pleasing.

In addition, benevolent dictator Pixy Misa of the domain has offered a free domain, free hosting (up to a million visitors a month), and entrance into the Munuvanian blogging family to the top two bidders.

That is an awesome deal, and the funds are going to a great cause.

Thank you very much for your support.

The results are in. Thanks for the generous outpouring of support from the blogging community, and for the time donated by Apothegm Designs.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 11:00 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 190 words, total size 2 kb.

Red Cross Under Seige Because of NBC

See it for yourself.

NBC allowed these ignorant, hateful comments to go on-air, potentially alientating 1/2 of potential donors, just to get a political dig in at the President. I'm livid, not because of West's attack on the President, but becuase this will cost the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

I just spoke to a Red Cross call center supervisor. Call centers have been deluged with complaints. They just released the following statement:

WASHINGTON, Friday, September 02, 2005 — The American Red Cross is incredibly grateful for the support we're receiving in the wake of the catastrophic events caused by Hurricane Katrina. We want to acknowledge the ongoing support of NBC-Universal, which aired a telethon tonight on behalf of the victims of this tragedy.

During the telecast, a controversial comment was made by one of the celebrities. We would like the American public to know that our support is unwavering, regardless of political circumstances. We are a neutral and impartial organization, and support disaster victims across the country regardless of race, class, color or creed. We cannot, and we do not endorse any comments of a political nature.

NBC just hurt poor people. I hope it was worth it to get in a few cheap shots at the president.

Update: Since you asked:

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:44 PM | Comments (321) | Add Comment
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In New Orleans, Criminals Get Out First


Hurricane Katrina's Harsh Sentence

Orleans Prison Riot

Several people have commented on previous posts that they are looking for relatives that were either guards or prisoners at Orleans Parish prison, the central prison in New Orleans located approximately one mile northwest of the Louisiana Superdome. I decided to try to find out what I could to help them. What I found instead made me ill.

Orleans Parish Prison

I cannot tell you about the location of individual prisoners and guards, but I can pass along the following:

  • Rumors of rioting and hostage-taking among the prisoners are false.
  • At this time, no prisoner is confirmed among the known fatalities.
  • At this time, no guard is confirmed among the known fatailties.
  • More than 7,600 OPP inmates were scheduled to be completely evacuated from New Orleans as of September 1 (yesterday).
  • Inmates are housed throughout the Louisiana Prison system, except for Washington Correctional Institute near Angie, which was damaged in Hurricane Katrina.

It is quite possible, even probable, that all prisoners have been evacuated from New Orleans by this time.

It is unexplained why these 7,600 prisoners got out well in advance of citizens a mile away who are dying by the hour at the Superdome, in beseiged hospitals, and elsewhere throughout New Orleans.

For more information:

Inmate evacuees arrive in area
Storm prompts massive transfer of inmates
South Louisiana inmates bound for lockup in Bossier Parish
Prisoners, public school students displaced by Katrina

Update: CNN's Hurricane Safe List. Those who got it out so far and who have been able to contact CNN or other agencies.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:09 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
Post contains 276 words, total size 2 kb.

It Ain't Just a Tagline

A wonderul compilation of Katrina-related quotes from Chrenkoff.

Der Commissar at the Politburo Diktat offers a side-by-side comparison of posts on left-of-center and right-of-center blogs.

Michelle Malkin has a compendium called The Blame Game.

Professional "nigger victim" Randall Robinson spreads the sensational lie that black in New Orleans are reduced to eating their dead becuase of white people. I would write a response to this racist, but the Huffington Post routinely censors reasonable fact-based refutations of their rhetoric, so it would be a waste of time.

Among the lowest of bottomfeeders, however, is this scum called "demgurl" (h/t LGF). Her comment in full:

I did not stop to help a * supporter today.

I had no idea how deeply my hate for that man ran. My lack of an interaction, with a * supporter is still haunting me a couple of hours later.

I was on my home and was on the ramp getting off the highway. I saw a mini-van on the side of the road. There was a lady standing next to the van and in her arms she held her child. I can only assume her mini-van had broken down. I don't know, perhaps with so many gad stations being out of gas, she had also run out. I slowed down and started to pull over to offer her a ride. At the very last second I noticed a "W" sticker on the back of her vehicle and I sped up and drove off.

I feel really bad as a human being. That child is not responsible for their parent's belief system. They are innocent and do not deserve to be out in the heat. (It is warm but not so bad that they would even break a sweat) I try not to punish people for what they believe.

On the other hand, so many hateful thoughts went through my head. I wondered how a person could see what was going on in NO and still have one of those awful stickers on their car. How could they support an awful excuse for a human being that has let our country down and is letting Americans die after they have made it through the storm? How can someone be so blind and so stupid?

I thought that if she loves * so much, maybe he would come along and help her the same way he is rescuing all of those poor people in the weather stricken part of our country. Let's see what her hero can do for her.

I never did go back. I was so upset with that sticker and with the fact that someone would support an idiot who is so clearly running our country into the ground.

So why am I writing this? It is not to boast, I really feel bad about passing this child and not picking up their mother. Perhaps it is for a catharsis of sorts? That would be an educated guess. I suppose it is because I feel conflicted and I am writing this to try and sort through what I am feeling. There are two emotional sides, for me, on this incident and neither seems completely right or wrong to me. Even writing this, I am still not able to work through what happened. I feel like I am floating between right and wrong and am unable to grab either side.

Thanks for listening.

I hope she's not a nurse or a doctor.

It will come as a shock to good people, but the liberal message board this was posted on had all the compassion in the world... for her.

Liberalism is a persistent vegetative state.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 07:48 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 619 words, total size 4 kb.

September 01, 2005

Disaster Guns

The original Battle of New Orleans was a victory for a mixed bag of regular Army units, frontiersmen, former slaves, and outlaws. 190 years later, gunshots echo over the same patch of ground, as their descendants of the winners fire upon one another.

Armed gangs of violent young men rape and pillage their way across a city shattered by Hurricane Katrina. National Guard units and police officers trying to evacuate trapped citizens have come under gunfire, as have ambulances and rescue helicopters. Looting prevails. Bodies lie in the street, some apparent drowning victims, some clearly victims of gunshot wounds.

This is to the Second Battle of New Orleans.

There will be no winners, only survivors

Local, state, and federal government plans seem to have failed in almost every possible way, and continue to fail those rocked by what will be likely be remembered as the most destructive hurricane in American history.

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was late in issuing a mandatory evacuation order, and when one was given, he failed to provide to provide the resources to make that evacuation possible for those most in need. Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco, perhaps the person single most responsible for the citizens of her state, has completely failed to implement or coordinate either an evacuation or a rescue and recovery effort. The federal government failed (perhaps in an impossible bid) to conquer Mother Nature, and failing that, has been slow to marshal forces and deliver aid. The layers of government failed, and the administration of law failed as well.

There is only one law now along the Gulf Coast, and that is the law of strength, the law of the gun. It has happened before.

Glenn Reynolds:

NEW YORK TIMES: Owners Take Up Arms as Looters Press Their Advantage

If you've got a week's supplies, and a gun, you'll usually do okay after a disaster. If you don't, you're in much bigger trouble, because it generally takes that long for some sort of order to be restored. We saw that after Andrew, and we're seeing it again.

It will happen again.

It will come in the form of another hurricane, or an earthquake, an outbreak of disease, or another eventuality of which we have not dared dream, even in our darkest thoughts. When that time comes, the only thing that may preserve your life and property may be the possession of and willingness to use a firearm.

Not all firearms are suitable for civilian defense. Most, in fact, are entirely unsuitable for the kind of situation brought about in natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina.

A civilian defense firearm must:

  • be easy to load, unload
  • easy to make safe
  • be easy to clean
  • be rugged and tolerant of abuse
  • use common, readily available ammunition of sufficient power
  • carry a minimum of five rounds of ammunition
  • be reasonably abundant (for acquiring spare parts)

Easy to Load and Unload
Loading ammunition into a civilian defense firearm must be easy. Most civilians will not handle their firearms often in the course of an average year. They must have firearms that are designed with enough ease of use so that once the loading and unloading process is once learned, it is easy to recall even after extended amounts of time. Almost all firearms meet these minimum criteria.

Easy to Make Safe
Firearms must be able to easily store, with the ability to chamber and fire a round of ammunition blocked, to keep it safe from access by children and Howard Dean supporters—a gun lock of some sort. Firearms should also ideally have a recognizable loaded-chamber indicator and easy-to-engage and/or redundant safety systems. Most modern firearms meet the former criteria of being able to accept gunlocks, and many firearms meet the later.

Be Easy to Clean
Civilian defense firearms must be able to be field-stripped and cleaned, and reassembled with minimal tools or no tools at all in a short amount of time, with a minimal danger of losing or damaging critical parts. More difficult in some older designs, or newer designs that will not long last.

Be Rugged and Tolerant of Abuse
Civilian defense firearms in a survival setting are likely to suffer accidental abuse, face improper storage and cleaning, use less than perfect-quality ammunition—and still perform flawlessly when needed. A hard task for many firearms.

Use Common, Readily Available Ammunition of Sufficient Power
This dual criteria is essential to meet. You cache of ammunition may get damaged or lost, or in nightmare Snake Plissken scenarios, you might even shoot it all up. You should choose a caliber of ammunition common to your area. That ammunition must be capable of killing animals both wild and domestic that are common to your area, from alligators to pit bulls. It must also be capable of stopping humans quickly and lethally, but must not be overly powerful for the task at hand. This I one of the more difficult criteria to satisfy.

Carry a Minimum of Five Rounds of Ammunition
You may not always hit what you aim at, and you may have multiple targets. If you cannot hit your target with five shots, significantly more ammunition only contributes to environmental lead poisoning downrange. In addition, after five rounds, your target, if human, is not likely to stay within range. If an animal, it will either be feasting or running as well. This

While a surprising number of firearms did past these tests, a few designs stood out.

12-gauge Pump-Action Shotgun

A 12-gauge pump-action shotgun is perhaps the most common, powerful, adaptable, and useful firearm available for person defense. The unmistakable shuck-shuck sound of a pump shotgun chambering a round makes even the most thuggish brute reconsider his intentions, and should he continue down the wrong path, a simple point and squeeze will arrange an immediate consultation with the deity of his choice.

Pumps such as the Mossburg 500 series and the Remington 870 series (pictured) are used to hunt everything from birds the bears, and are in common use by police and military units worldwide. Ammunition is readily available and can be specialized to certain tasks, an advantage most other weapons lack. Pump action shotguns typically carry sufficient amounts of ammunition, and they can be fired extremely rapidly in trained hands.


The choice of the cheap, tawdry Simonov carbine might be off-putting to some, but it might be the perfect rifle for our stated purposes. It uses the universally accessible 7.62x39mm (.30 Russian) military round found almost everywhere in the world in bulk, for cheap. The round reasonably duplicates the ballistics of the lever-action .30/30s, while the rifle itself has the advantages of being easier to load, and unload that the lever guns. The simple safety can be checked by touch. It carries its own cleaning kit in the butt of the rifle, and is compact in design.

.30/30 Lever-Action Rifle

A staple of hunters for years, the .30/30 lever-actions from Marlin (pictured) and Winchester are perhaps the most common rifles in the closets of American hunters today. They are easy to load, easy to carry, have good power at reason ranges beyond what a shotgun can provide, and are quick to use. The downside is that they are a bit more difficult to fieldstrip than most pump shotguns, and while the ammunition is common, they are also harder to easily unload.

9mm Safe-Action Pistols

Any handgun is at a distinct disadvantage against shotguns and rifles for many reason starting with practical accuracy, and knock-down power. On the other hand, they are far more easily concealed. Of semi-automatic pistols, the so-called "safe-action" designs from Springfield Armory and Glock (pictured) are nearly identical in appearance and function. Both feature similar, though proprietary safety systems that prevent accidental discharges while enabling the user to get the weapon up and ready to fire quickly. They are lightweight, and having polymer frames, are extremely resistant to corrosion. They are also relatively easy to shoot, load, and clean ,The 9x19mm NATO round is also nearly universal, making it easy to obtain while still providing acceptable stopping power.

.357 Magnum Stainless Revolver

Once nearly universal among police forces, the .38 Special/.375 Magnum police type revolvers (Smith & Wesson pictured)simply refuse to fade completely away. The can use both .38 and .357 Magnum ammunition (in the .357 chambered guns only) and are very easy to load and unload. Shooting a revolver is not as intuitive as shooting a pistol, but its simple reliability and legendary stopping power, along with a reasonable amount of concealablity make it an acceptable choice.

In Review
Pump-action shotguns are the best all around personal defense weapon. Lever –action and semi-automatic carbines are the best rifles for a multitude of reasons not perhaps the least of which is a proven track record in killing other humans when the need arose. Pistols and revolvers common to police agencies are also often the best choice of handguns. And while not a conscious criteria, the rifles and shotguns mentioned in this post can all be purchased for less than $300 (often under $200), making them quite affordable as well when compared to other firearms.

If you are black and poor like most disaster victims seem to be, that is an important factor, even if nobody wants to talk about it.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:18 PM | Comments (25) | Add Comment
Post contains 1551 words, total size 10 kb.

Blog Auction for Katrina Victims

My brother Phin of phin's blog and Apothegm Designs is holding a blog auction to raise money for Hurricane Katrina victims. I'll let him tell you about it himself:

On Monday Hugh Hewitt suggested the blogging community band together to raise funds and awareness for the charities helping provide relief to the areas affected by Hurricane Katrina. Glenn Reynolds suggested the date of Thursday, September 1st and offered to provide links. The Truth Laid Bear has setup a tracking page to help keep count.

In trying to do our part we, your friendly Apothegm Designers, are auctioning off a custom blog design (within reason) to the highest bidder. Samples of our work can be seen at the Apothegm Designs Website.

The bidding starts at a bargain of $150 and the funds will be donated to The American Red Cross, or the winning bidder's charity of choice.

Bidding is open in the comments of this post until Midnight September 2nd.

They do good (very good) blog and web design work (here, The Llama Butchers, The Jawa Report, and others), and the money raised goes to the winner's charity of choice.

Besides, your blog looks like crap. ;-)

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 12:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 206 words, total size 2 kb.

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