July 28, 2006

What You Need To Know

The editors of Pajamas Media are providing by far the most comprehensive news and opinion round-up on the on-going war in Lebanon between Israel and Hezbollah, featuring frequently-updated news breaks from the world's media outlets, along with opinion and blog reporting.

N.Z. Bear is providing the eyes-on-the-ground, first-hand reporting from civilian bloggers in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Israel, in addition to round-up of bloggers around the world covering the conflict.

No news organization in the world is providing as comprehensive reporting as these two sites.


Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 08:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 27, 2006

The Illustrated Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald's fans will continue to deny his fraudulent nature as he wanders the golf courses of Florida looking for the real killers bed & breakfasts of Brazil looking for the "real puppeteers."

That said, Patterico's thoroughly damning Annotated WuzzaDem makes it very unlikely that ardent Greenwald supporters Ryan, Wilson, Ellison, Thomas Ellers, and Rick Ellensburg (who all disappeared when Greenwald was accused of sock puppetry, and who have not resurfaced since) will ever be heard from again.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 06:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 84 words, total size 1 kb.

July 24, 2006

The Toddler-Threatening Community Rides Again

Not content to attack the individual children of Cheif Justice John Roberts and blogger Jeff Goldstein, they now wish to kill Alan Dershowitz's children:

Forgive me for this but Alan Dershowitz's children should be hit by a 5000 lb. bomb made by an American military-industrial corporation, sold to Israel, and misfired into his home. Then he can talk to me. I will offer my sincere condolences. Then we will get drunk and talk about relative culpability. I'm sorry Alan. You're scum. Among the people in history that would gladly bitch-slap you are Jesus, Buddha, Zoroaster, Socrates, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr., John Lewis, Nelson Mendala, Bishop Tutu, Pope John Paul II, and me. We'd all like to smack you for being a prick.

In Booman's defense, at least he didn't state that he wanted to molest them first.

h/t Protein Wisdom

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 12:17 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 151 words, total size 1 kb.

Yo ho, yo ho...

... the pirate's life for me.

Err, well, not me, but I did have a tiny role to play in it.

John of Castle Argghhh! is going on a little boat ride that you have to read to believe.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 11:04 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 47 words, total size 1 kb.

The Red-Faced League

As of late, Gaius seems to be channeling Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as he "finds" Sherlock Holmes comments on not one, but two unrelated instances of blogosphere sock-puppetry.

Among liberal bloggers, it's spreading like the avian flu.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 12:39 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 43 words, total size 1 kb.

July 21, 2006

Master of Puppets

Roughly 24 hours after the Glenn Greenwald sock puppetry scandal broke, it appears folks on both sides have already firmed up their positions, floating all sorts of theories. Let me see if I can separate the wheat from the chaff.


Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:11 AM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
Post contains 1742 words, total size 11 kb.

July 20, 2006

An Army of Greenwalds


Sock-puppeting is the dishonest and unethical practice of posting on web sites and blogs under assumed identities, often to praise or defend yourself.

L.A.Times columnist Michael Hiltzik lost his blog over it, as this practice clearly violated the Times ethics guidelines.

Now liberal blogger Glenn Greenwald stands accused of posting under at least three four five different identities other than his own, using the aliases "Ellison," "Wilson," "Sam Matthews," "Ryan," and "Thomas Ellers" to either flatter or defend himself across a host of conservative political blogs.

All of these identities are apparently tracked back to the same unique IP address in Montevideo, Brazil, where the best selling author of How Would a Patriot Act? lives as an apparent expatriate, fraud, and master sock-puppeteer .

For the details:

Shawn at The Sky is Red can take credit for noting that something was fishy, while Patterico (the man who caught Hiltzik) and Ace of Spades bring the pain.

Update: Greenwald denies the charges, saying in part:

I have never left a single comment at any other blog using any name other than my own, at least not since I began blogging. IP addresses signify the Internet account one uses, not any one individual. Those in the same household have the same IP address.

It must be a very large house.

Update 2: It seems Greenwald's sycophants aren't real big fans of these allegations being revealed.

Instead they'd rather change the subject by attacking the messenger with false charges of pedophilia, and international sources, and even pictures!


Update 3: Greenwald, as evidenced in the quote above, seems to be trying to lay the groundwork for the claim that someone else in his house left the comments, with the obvious insinuation that this boyfriend did so. How loyal.

But "Birkel," posting in the comments at Ace of Spades, seems to torpedo that avenue of retreat as well:

According to Patterico one of the comments including the allegation that the poster/puppet had E-mailed Gleen for his point of view.

If you live in the same house why would you E-mail somebody for their opinion? Does that make any sense?

No it doesn't.

It would make perfect sense, however, for someone building sock puppet identities.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:49 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 378 words, total size 3 kb.

July 19, 2006

Get Along, Little Debbie

Via The Jawa Report, I came across a story this morning so mind-numbingly unsupported that I was certain it had to be written by the Lord of the Dunce himself.

Unfortunately, the post in question, one accusing most Americans in Lebanon of being Hezbollah supporters, comes from one Debbie Schlussel.

She states:

One thing is lost in all the press coverage of the whining Americans who went to Lebanon of their own accord and now want us to pick up the tab to get them out.

Most of them are Shi'ite Muslims, many of whom hold dual U.S. and Lebanese citizenship. Many are anchor babies born here to Muslims in the U.S. illegally. Some are illegal aliens who became citizens through rubber-stamping Citizenship and Immigration Services (and its INS predecessor) coupled with political pressure by spineless politicians.
Of the 25,000 American citizens and green-card holders in Lebanon, at least 7,000 are from Dearborn, Michigan, the heart of Islamic America, and especially Shia Islam America. These 7,000 are mostly Shi'ite Muslims who openly and strongly support Hezbollah. Ditto for many of the rest of the 25,000 that are there.

If these allegations are supportable, it would be a major bombshell of a story.

So where is Schlussel's proof?

There isn't any. Schlussel's "proof" seems to consist mainly of blind assertion and links back to her own site.

It would be nice—not to mention customary—for someone making a factual claim to provide some sort of a link to credible sources to support her contentions.

For example, what proof does Schlussel have that 7,000 Dearborn residents are in Lebanon? Does the U.S. State Department or the Dearborn Chamber of Commerce provide her with those numbers?

If there are Dearborn 7,000 residents, what is her evidence showing that the Dearborn residents in Lebanon are Muslims? Lebanon doesn't even know what percentage of their population is Muslim—they haven't done a census since 1932—and Debbie somehow knows? I doubt it.

What evidence is there that they are Shia Muslims? Shia Muslims only make up 30%-40% of the Lebanese population, and they are among the poorest of the religious groups, meaning they are less likely to have the funds to immigrate to other nations at all. Christians and Sunni Muslims—not huge fans of Hezbollah, for those of you keeping score at home—make up the bulk of the rest of Lebanon's population, a nation which has no less than 18 recognized sects of varying religions.

What evidence does Debbie Schlussel have that if there are Dearborn Shia Muslims in Lebanon, that they "openly and strongly support Hezbollah" as she charges?

Mere assertion that they belong to a Dearborn Lebanese cultural center. These are serious charges, seemingly implicating an entire community of what is essentially treason in a time of war, and Schlussel provides no credible evidence at all of her charges. None.

By her incredibly loose standards, it appears one could label every Irish American in Chicago that ever bothered to travel to Ireland as a member of the Irish Republican Army.

Please forgive me if I find it nearly impossible to take any slanderous thing she says seriously.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:24 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 538 words, total size 4 kb.

Sadly, Pwned!

What happens when an assistant DA catches a nazi sympathizer's lawyer and his sycophants in the act of propagating the same kind of "hate speech" they so noisy condemned, and then catches them trying to cover it up?

Absolute carnage

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 06:10 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 44 words, total size 1 kb.

July 18, 2006

The Deploravity Must Stop

I've simply had enough of the deplorable personal attacks... the depravity, the blogosphere brawl war profiteering... have simply gone along too far, and I must speciously condemn, forthwith, this deploravity that has taken hold.

I condemn it all.

Update: I also happen to hold the view, unlike Misha, Patterico and Xrlq, that liberal blogger Glenn Greenwald is not a "douche" as so many have rudely pronounced. A douche reportedly brings a fresh feeling according to Summer's Eve advertisements that have plagued the airwaves over the years, and the stench emanating from Glenn Greenwald can hardly be considering sanitary in nature.

Rather, Greenwald is more like the colostomy bag of the liberal blogosphere as any simple perusal of his dishonest commentary readily reveals.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:23 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 130 words, total size 2 kb.

July 17, 2006

Politics Central Goes Beta

Just in case you haven't seen it yet, Pajamas Media has a beta version of a new sister site up called Politics Central that bears watching. We're shooting for a post-Labor Day launch (no exact date set), and I think that I'll personally be most interested in the Media Central and X21Central subsites.

Check it out, and let the design team know what you think.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 02:58 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 73 words, total size 1 kb.

July 14, 2006

Frisch Fries

The nutty professor just won't stop... but if I don't miss my guess, she's about to:

Guess Deb isn't quite done milking her 15 minutes.

This time, however, I've contacted the authorities.

Presumably, the responsible authorities here happen to reside at 1961 Stout Street, Suite 1823 in Denver.

The Left has a long and storied history in America of creating homicidally-minded psychopaths.

As I noted on another (now defunct) blog over a year ago and chronicled for posterity here:

As a matter of fact, the majority of political assassinations in America have come from the left or other variations of the mentally ill (as you will see below, many are both, liberalism and mental illness apparently run hand-in-hand), with the exception of RFK, who was killed by a long-standing lefty friend, the Jew-hating Muslim, in this instance Sirhan Sirhan.

The list goes on: John Wilkes Booth was a cross between Robert Byrd and Alec Baldwin, Charles J. Guiteau was a John Edwards-type lawyer who was told by the great beyond (perhaps channelling?) to murder President Garfield, Leon F. Czolgosz, who shot William McKinley was a lefty anarchist. Guiseppe Zangara who tried to kill FDR was a whacked-out anti-capitalist, and we all know Lee Harvey Oswald was a communist sympathizer.

Wannabe white Black Panther Sam Byck got himself killed trying to take out Nixon, and a year later, loonie lefty cultist Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme tried to take out President Ford, who was the target of lefty counterculture loser Sarah Jane Moore just 17 days later.

The evidence is pretty convincing Sara, that if there is a political assassination attempt in America, that either the left or the mentally ill are behind it (I'm not sure I see the distinction between the two, but some do).

One of those discussed in that post was Andrew Mickel, another liberal assassin who was an Indymedia contributor and an Evergreen State College student, who murdered a cop. Why?

"Hello Everyone, my name's Andy. I killed a Police Officer in Red Bluff, California in a motion to bring attention to, and halt, the police-state tactics that have come to be used throughout our country. Now I'm coming forward, to explain that this killing was also an action against corporate irresponsibility."

"...the police-state tactics that have come to be used throughout our country."

"Â…an action against corporate irresponsibility."

Sounds like it was cut out of Michael Moore.com, doesn't it? Or maybe Talk Left, or a Daily Kos diary, or Firedog Lake or many other mainstream liberal sites, with the not-as-mainstream sites such as IndyMedia or the Democratic Underground providing far worse fodder to feed the crazed masses.

Mickel was a Leftist. His parents say he was mentally ill. Again, I question the difference, and wonder why it took Jeff Goldstein so long to turn someone as potentially dangerous as Debbie Frisch over to the responsible authorities.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 02:25 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
Post contains 483 words, total size 3 kb.

Bullying Old Soldiers...

...into blogging isn't necessarily a habit, but Old Soldier is the second CY regular in olive drab to hang out his own blogging shingle in the past few months (Ray Robinson was the first).

Please stop over and welcome Old Soldier to his new blogosphere home, now officially open for business.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 11:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 57 words, total size 1 kb.

July 10, 2006

Circling the Wackos

As if the refusal of many liberal bloggers to condemn the terroristic threats of Deb Frisch weren't bad enough, it now seems that the academy is closing ranks around her, as evidenced by Scott Jaschik's less than forthright Inside Higher Ed article amply demonstrates:

“I enjoy writing things that inflame, mock and infuriate the right,” Deborah Frisch said in an e-mail interview Sunday in response to a question about her online activities. By any measure, she's achieving her goals — and she's also out of a job.

Frisch posted a comment last week on Protein Wisdom, a Web site known for its no holding back conservative commentary, frequently with considerable mocking of liberal academics and ideas. Frisch, an adjunct lecturer at the University of Arizona until this weekend, said in the posting that she would not be sad if the 2-year old child of the site's founder, Jeff Goldstein, was “Jon Benet Ramseyed,” and she reportedly posted other questions of the sort a Ramsey-inspired attacker might ask.

Jaschik glosses over Frisch's threats of sexually abusing a toddler and murdering him, and instead, attempts to paint a sympathetic portrait of a someone who was wrongly forced to resign her position.

Jaschik's article sets up Deb Frisch as a martyr, and at no point does he even attempt to quote in context the threats Frisch made against Goldstein and his young son.

The threats included threats against the toddler's life:

[...] as I said elsewhere, if I woke up tomorrow and learned that someone else had shot you and your “tyke” it wouldn't slow me down one iota. You aren't “human” to me.

Ooh. Two year old boy. Sounds hot. You live in Colorado, I see. Hope no one Jon-Benets your baby.

Are you still married to the woman you humped to produce the toddler?

I reiterate: If some nutcase kidnapped your child tomorrow and did to her what was done to your fellow Coloradan, Jon-Benet Ramsey, I wouldn't give a damn.

The threats also included disturbing images of sexual assault:

Give your pathetic progeny (I sure hope that mofo got good genes from his mama!) a big fat tongue-filled kiss from me! LOTS AND LOTS OF SALIVA from Auntie MOONBAT, if you don't mind!

According to a conversation I just had with a very nice agent of the Phoenix Field Office of the FBI, Frisch's comments would appear to be crime within the FBI's jurisdiction.

It's interesting how Scott Jaschik and Inside Higher Ed couldn't make that same very simple phone call before writing this story, but then, that isn't the story of academic victimhood they'd like to report.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 06:33 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 443 words, total size 3 kb.

July 08, 2006

A Proud Member of the Toddler-Threatening Community

It was disgusting a year ago when Daily Kos posters were all for attacking the sexual orientation of four-year-old Jack Roberts, the son of then Supreme Court nominee (and now Chief Justice) John Roberts. I thought it was disgusting, abhorrent behavior by deranged individuals, and I thought I'd seen the lowest of the low.

Then came University of Arizona psychology professor instructor Deborah Frisch.

Deb Frisch is living proof of my tagline, that "liberalism is a persistent vegetative state."

What did she do that was so horrible? Unable to compete rhetorically with conservative blogger Jeff Goldstein, she repeatedly threatened the life of his two-year-old son with comments such as these:

I'd like to hear more about your “tyke” by the way. Girl? Boy? Toddler? Teen? Are you still married to the woman you ephed to give birth to the tyke?

Tell all, bro!

. . .

as I said elsewhere, if I woke up tomorrow and learned that someone else had shot you and your “tyke” it wouldn't slow me down one iota. You aren't “human” to me.

. . .

So if you could just tell me the AGE and SEX of your "tyke," I'd be stoked!


. . .

Ooh. Two year old boy. Sounds hot. You live in Colorado, I see. Hope no one Jon-Benets your baby.

. . .

If some nutcase kidnapped your child tomorrow and did to her what was done to your fellow Coloradan, Jon-Benet Ramsey, I wouldn't give a damn.

According to Blackfive, (from whom I copied these comments) Goldstein's site is currently under two Denial of Service attacks. Froggy says:

Apparently, some elements of the psychotic left are closing ranks around Dr. Frisch and seemingly approve of her tactics of threatening children with death and sexual abuse. Nice going.

Those tactics did work so well for Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Che, so at least they're being consistent in their behavior.

When conservative bloggers go over the line and publish personal information, they are condemned by their own. When a liberal blogger threaten child sex abuse and murder, what response do we get from prominent liberal blogs?


Not one post.

Nothing from Kos, or Atrios, silence from Raw Story, AMERICAblog, and MyDD.

But two sites did write about how horrific personal attacks can be.

Glenn Greenwald found the time to condemn conservative bloggers who post personal contact information as a form of intimidation... yet he couldn't quite seem to find so much as a single word to condemn a fellow liberal who threatens the murder of a child.

Pamela Troy's front page post at the Democratic Underground found plenty of time to attack "aw-dropping right-wing venom," yet could spare no words for one of her own apparently advocating the sexual assault of a toddler.

Such sudden silence...

One might be tempted to think this absolute lack of condemnation was a tacit acceptance of these tactics.

Welcome to the new face of the most deranged members of our political opposition, "the toddler-threatening community."

Update: Not as many crickets, but a lot of pathetic behavior.

Raw Story links ot this post, and its readers (in the comments) seem to think linking this post is a condemnation. Not quite. In the comments, Glenn Greenwald can't quite seem to leave it alone with a simple "this is wrong," and spends the majority of his time blaming --who else?-- conservatives for repulsive behavior. Barbara O'Brien can't quite seem to really denounce Frisch, and instead, tells me to go to hell. Shrek's Mom doesn't seem quite ready to believe that Frisch actually said such vile things, stating:

...it's all too easy to distort and misrepresent what others have said when you take snips of quotes out of context."

Antiwisdom lives up to its title, saying Goldstein lied and made this entire episode up, and probably edited Frisch's comments to make them sounds worse.

Among others who can't quite bring themselves to condemn Frisch for threats of molesting or killing toddlers are TBogg and Unfogged, who seems to think that their are so many better ways to attack Goldstein that to make such "unpleasant" comments.

On the other hand, NewsHog offers a condemnation, and Jeralyn Merritt of TalkLeft show it's really easy to simply say that:

What Deborah Frisch wrote is inexcusable behavior for a blogger of any kind, liberal or conservative. Her comments about Jeff Goldstein's son and wife are indeed unhinged. I cannot imagine any provocation that could justify them.

Bingo. Too bad they and other smaller liberal bloggers with similar sentiments made up 50% or less of those commenting from their side.

"Russ" offers sound advice in the comments:

Far too many liberals on here, while denouncing the woman's threats, always offer qualification to their remarks. Something like - "Yeah, that's bad, but what about this?" Stop trying to be morally superior. Acknowledge that threatening someone's child is waaaaaaaaay over the line and be done with it. That, more than anything else, would help establish that she doesn't represent the mainstream left. Get back on message on another topic, but I am sickened that some folks' partisan leanings cannot even overcome the revulsion most people should feel over this woman's comments.

Frisch, meanwhile (h/t BCB), desires to paint herself as the victim.

Why, she'd have you believe she's as innocent and as helpless as a baby.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:21 AM | Comments (226) | Add Comment
Post contains 906 words, total size 7 kb.

July 06, 2006

You Learn Something New Every Day

Strangely enough, I always assumed that the folks who ran the most widely read political blog on the Internet has a better understanding of domain names than Ted Stevens.

Update: I wrote this post simply because I found it amusing that the Kossacks were initially directing their attack at wrong web site. I still find that amusing, but the underlying story, which I've missed until now, is an unsettling betrayal of values not conservative or liberal, but American. I expect better than this, from all of us.

Via Kershertalk, I've read deeper into this issue, and found that the behavior of both Nedd, who published the names, addresses and phone numbers of private citizens for no other possible reason than to expose them to abuse, and Jay, who refuses to come out against it, as deplorable.

Let's make this painfully clear:

Providing the public professional contact information of elected officials and appointees, of journalists, and news organizations so that blog readers can provide (hopefully) constructive feedback is acceptable. I am personally against providing the private addresses and private phone numbers of public figures as well with out their express permission.

But providing the private addresses and work and private phone numbers of private citizens—even those that are thrust into the public by circumstance—is a disgusting tactic by desperate, small-minded people, and should always be condemned.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 08:28 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 237 words, total size 2 kb.

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