August 30, 2008

Gustav Takes Aim At The Gulf Coast

I've got a bad feeling about this.

I hope those along the Gulf coastline are in the process of packing up and heading out, especially those in New Orleans. There will be no shelters of last resort; the Superdome will be locked down.

It doesn't matter where you hide...

Fragments of the Mississippi Gulf Coast after Katrina

...storms this size don't leave much behind.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 06:30 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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Is the Obama Campaign Behind Smear Sites?

This is an interesting find. Charles Johnson does the rundown, showing that Sarah Palin Supports Gay Rights and share the same IP address of

Copy and paste that into your address bar, and guess where you end up being redirected? Obama campaign Web site, Fight the Smears.

Johnson also notes that other pro-Obama and anti-McCain web sites trace back to the same IP address. Are there IP sleuths out there who can conclusively run down the ownership of these sites?

If Barack Obama's campaign is associated with these sites (not yet proven by any stretch, I hasten to add), the campaign would seem to be in direct violation of campaign laws.

Are there any campaign law attorneys out there who could speak to this possibility with more authority?

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 03:23 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
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"Opponent Research" Gone Wild

You try to find pictures of one of ours in scandalous beachwear, we'll find one of yours in a mankini.

That's the "Chicago Way."

Update: Connery's character Zed pre-plagiarized Obama in this 1974 film... or perhaps anticipated his campaign's reaction to Palin's wiping him from the news just hours after his coronation in Denver:

Stay behind my aura!

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 06:28 AM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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August 29, 2008

The Class of Kos

The sewer elves of the Daily Kos—the same "progressives" that wanted to "out" Chief Justice John Roberts' four-year-old son Jack—are back in the slime, trying to claim that new Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin's son Trig isn't hers.

They're trying to claim Palin's eldest daughter is actually the mother of Palin's youngest child.

They just can't seem to accept that people unlike themselves might actually chose to bring a Down's child into this world, instead of terminating it as an inconvenience... or as Obama might call it, a punishment.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 06:28 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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Think Progress Covers Up Child Abuse in Palin Nomination Smear

Just the kind of integrity-free poison we've come to expect:

In Dayton, OH today, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) will announce that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will be his vice presidential running mate. Palin, who entered office in 2006 after running as a reformer, is touted by conservatives as being “a politician of eye-popping integrity.”

But Palin’s reformer image took a hit last month when she was accused of attempting to get a state trooper fired. That state trooper was her former brother-in-law who had gone through “a messy divorce” with her sister. After the trooper’s boss wouldn’t act on the governor’s request, she fired him. Though Palin says she doesn’t “have anything to hide” and she “didn’t do anything wrong there,” an investigation has found that one of her aides pushed the firing:

Gov. Sarah Palin on Wednesday revealed an audio recording that shows an aide pressuring the Public Safety Department to fire a state trooper embroiled in a custody battle with her sister.

Palin, who has previously said her administration didnÂ’t exert pressure to get rid of trooper Mike Wooten, also disclosed that members of her staff had made about two dozen contacts with public safety officials about the trooper.

Of course, there is nothing that has suggested Palin had any direct involvement with pressure brought against her former brother-in-law, and it was her aides that were accused of wanting the state trooper fired.

And perhaps part of the reason the governor's aides wanted this trooper fired wasn't because he was part of a divorce, but because he shot a cow moose... out of season.

It could also have been because he was caught driving drunk... in a patrol car.

May be it even might have had something to do with the fact he tasered his 11-year-old-son.

Of course, Think Progress leaves that all out.

It doesn't help the smear they're trying to create.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 11:38 AM | Comments (40) | Add Comment
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First Sarah Palin Facts

  • Unlike Dick Cheney, who shoots small birds with a 28-gauge shotgun, Sarah Palin hunts moose. When she shoots a lawyer, they'll stay down.
  • Single-handedly responsible for the booming political "-ILF" industry.
  • Husband Todd Palin's name is actually Yup'ik Eskimo for "Russell Crowe."
  • Palin's son Track is so tough that when joined the Army it was decided that he will be deployed to Iraq... as an MRAP.
  • A, combat pilot John McCain knew how to flew aircraft. A bush pilot, Sarah Palin knows how to land them.
  • Unlike Barack Obama, whose basketball skills consist of losing pick-up games, Sarah Palin was a state championship point guard... and won it playing on a broken foot.

Add your own in the comments, and we'll "promote" the best.

Update: I surrender.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:10 AM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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It's Palin?

Oops, sorry. This one.

I guess we'll know soon enough, won't we?

Update: Mark Levin makes the case for the Alaskan Governor:

Palin is by all accounts a principled conservative and government reformer who can contribute mightily to the decision-making that occurs in the White House. She has more executive experience in her two years as governor than Obama, Biden, and McCain combined. She is a mother of five in what appears to be a loving and functioning family. And she is someone Republicans, conservatives, and others can rally behind in the future.

From a purely tactical aspect, Palin would knock the legs out from under Obama's monopoly hold on "change." And attacks on her "inexperience" will only highlight one of Obama's greatest vulnerabilities — and he's at the top of the Democrat ticket. And because Hillary Clinton spent months telling women voters that they are being dissed by Obama, some percentage of women who normally would not vote for McCain will take a second look if Palin's on the ticket. There is no question that a Palin selection would cause the Obama camp headaches.

Bill Kristol , MSNBC, and the Chicago Tribune just called it for Palin according to their sources as well.

Is it true that Palin is McCain's Veep pick, or an elaborate head-fake?

We'll now within a few hours, but if it is Palin, I think Levin is right... providing she doesn't have any significant skeletons in her closet, she's going to be a huge problem for Obama on a number of fronts. Check out her Wikipedia biography. It has to terrify Obama's camp.

All the major networks are now quickly confirming. Over at Hot Air, they are dancing in the comments.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:03 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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Time Well Spent

I pledged my time last night to watching a dedicated, talented African-American man build his dream. Of course, I'm talking about Ice Cube in "Are We Done Yet?"

Having read Tom Maguire's analysis of Obamamessiah's warmed-over populist platitudes, I strongly suspect watching the dollar-rental movie was a much better value.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 06:42 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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August 28, 2008

David Neiwert's Interesting Idea of Double Standards

Firedoglake's resident shrieker David Neiwert has his underoos in a bunch because of what his addled mind considers a racist double standard regarding how various morons have been treated after threatening presidential candidates:

It seems there may be a reason federal law-enforcement officials are not interested in pursuing serious charges against the white-supremacist tweakers who were caught this week in Denver: The man making the decision is a Republican operative. And when it came to a threat against John McCain by a black man, he had a completely different approach.

The AP story describing the official pooh-poohing of the threat gives us a clue:

"We're absolutely confident there is no credible threat to the candidate, the Democratic National Convention, or the people of Colorado," U.S. Attorney Troy Eid said in a statement.

But when a black man in prison sent John McCain a threatening letter containing baby powder, it was another story altogether:

The man accused of sending a threatening letter to John McCain through McCain's Colorado headquarters office detailed the contents of his letter in an exclusive interview with 7NEWS Friday.

Marc Ramsey, an inmate in the Arapahoe County Jail, admitted that he sent the letter.On Friday afternoon, the US AttorneyTroy Eid announced Ramsey will be charged with knowingly threatening to harm or kill through the U.S. mail. The charge is punishable up to five years in federal prison and up to $250,000 fines.

"We won't stand for threats of this kind in Colorado," Eid said. "A death threat is not a legitimate form of political expression," Eid said.

Hmmmm. Let's see: Men with rifles, a caches of other guns and ammo, all talking about killing Obama ... they're not a "serious threat." But a man in jail sending baby powder, well, that's a "serious threat."

Lighten up, Francis.

Despite the injustices seen in the black-helicopter rantings of Neiwert, reality is something quite different.

Marc Ramsey, the black inmate, managed to successfully send the MCCain campaign the following letter, laced with a white powder.

Senator McCain,

IF you are reading this then you are already Dead!
Unless of course you can't or don't breathe.
There are numerous substances which are deadly for humans to inhale.
There are just as many time periods for signs of illness to show, by which time it's to late.
Who expects to develop cancer 40 years after Vietnam?
Only those that knew the risk and side effects of Agent Orange.
DoD, DOW, Diamond Shamrock, U.S. Surgeon General
You're out of time.
Allahu Akbar

Akeem Ramsel El

For the threat, Ramsey faces up to 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

The three morons that Neiwert thinks is getting off lightly? They're only doing so in Neiwert's bizarre community-based reality:

Shawn Robert Adolf, age 33. Adolf is charged with one count of possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, one count of possession of body armor by a violent felon, and one count of possession of Methamphetamine.

Nathan Dwaine Johnson, age 32. Johnson is charged with one count of possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, and one count of possession of Methamphetamine.

Tharin Robert Gartrell, age 28. Gartrell is charged with one count of possession of Methamphetamine.

If convicted of being a felon in possession of a firearm, the defendants face not more than 10 years in federal prison, and up to a $250,000 fine. If convicted of possession of body armor by a violent felon, the defendant will face not more than 3 years in federal prison, and up to a $250,000 fine. If convicted of possession of Methamphetamine, the defendants face either 2 years in federal prison, or up to 20 years, depending on the amount of Methamphetamine possessed.

Adolf faces a sentence ranging up to 15 years and up to a $500,000 fine, or up to 35 years if he was arrested with enough meth.

Johnson faces a sentence ranging up to 12 years and up to a $250,000 fine, or up to 33 years if he was arrested with enough meth.

Gartrell, the high-on-meth driver that started this whole mess with a traffic stop, faces 2-20 years in prison.

And yet in Dave Neiwert's fantasy world, it is these guys are getting off lightly compared to the self-described terrorist sympathizer's potential sentence of up to five years.

That's some racist double standard.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 05:00 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Oops!... He Did It Again

Get ready for Barack Spears and the Temple of Duh:

As if a Rocky Mountain coronation were not lofty enough, Barack Obama will aim for Mount Olympus when he accepts his party's nomination atop an enormous, Greek-columned stage - built by the same cheesy set team that put together Britney Spears' last tour.


"We've done Britney's sets and a whole bunch of rock shows, but this was far more elaborate and complicated and we had to do it in far less time," said Allen, of RDA Entertainment.

"The biggest challenge has been making sure we don't damage the playing field underneath."

Asked who is harder to satisfy - the Democrats or Britney - Allen replied: "I better not answer that."

Honestly? I just hope Obama remembers his underwear.

(h/t/ Hot Air)

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 01:25 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Democrats Against Obama... Starring Barack Obama

As the overwhelming majority of Americans who aren't political junkies begin to get to know Barack Obama, it becomes increasingly obvious why first-term Senators with exceedingly thin resumes rarely ever run for President.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 12:13 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Do Not Blaspheme, Non-Beleivers

Instead of making a good-faith effort to explain his 21-year working and personal relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, Barack Obama has chosen another route in an attempt quell the building controversy; he's having his campaign incite his followers to shout down his critics.

Obama's campaign has previously threatened broadcasters who would carry an ad linking Obama to Ayers, and has also asked the Department of Justice to shut down the group that made the ad.

The intense campaign to silence dissenting voice has also included a recent campaign email asking Obama supporters to deluge Chicago-based broadcaster WGN with complaints to pressure the radio station to cancel an appearance by Stanley Kurtz, a writer with National Review who is researching the documents of the Chicago Annenburg Challenge.

The Challenge, co-founded by Ayers and chaired by Obama, took tens of millions dollars in grant funds and public and private matching funds with the stated goal of increasing the quality of education in Chicago. The program was utterly ineffective, and some critics are suggesting that the challenge was little more than a slush fund for left-wing radicals. At least $175,000 was funneled to Ayers' friend, SDS radical, Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) (CPML) chairman and Barack Obama supporter Mike Klonsky's Small School Workshop.

I wrote earlier this week:

Barack Obama wants to convince us that it shouldn't matter that Bill Ayers, Ayer's dead terrorist bomber girlfriend, his terrorist wife and their cronies declared war on the United States and murdered its citizens. The murders, the treason, the bombings of American targets in a war they declared... all distractions.

I was dead wrong. The Barack Obama campaign doesn't want to convince us of anything. It simple wants to threaten and bully critics into silence.

Freedom of speech is nice, if you can keep it. As a blogger, I wonder how much we'll have left if ever faced with a Justice Department run by the Silencer in Chief.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:22 AM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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August 27, 2008

Aww... I Upset Sully

"Even by the still-falling standards of the degenerate conservative movement, this was a disgusting post."

Degenerate, disgusting, whatever.

What he doesn't and can't call me is wrong.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:40 AM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
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Ayers: Bombing America Not A Big Deal

Someone should ask Barack Obama point blank: at what point during his 21-year relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers (and to a lesser-documented but no less real extent, Ayer's terrorist wife and Charles Manson fan, Bernadine Dohrn) did Ayers and Obama discuss Ayer's involvement with the Weather Underground, and what was said?

In over two decades of knowing each other and running in Chicago's political cauldron of aging New Left radicals, SDS leftovers, graying Weatherman, Marxist-Leninists, angry activist priests and fringe religions, the "glory days" of the 1960s and 70s must have come up in conversation.

Did the bombings ever come up in conversations at one another's homes? Did they ever have side conversations before or after the official business of their many working relationships in the ABCs Coalition, the Woods Fund, and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge?

Mr. Obama owes us an explanation.

For his part, a three-year-old interview in a current Ayer's story fills in part of the puzzle:

In the interview, conducted three years after the September 11 attacks, Ayers argued the U.S. government had carried out "many other acts of terror ... even recently, that are comparable," and claimed he and his bomb-planting comrades were "restrained" in their actions.

Ayers, now a professor at the University of Illinois, Chicago, served with Barack Obama on the board of the charitable Woods Fund of Chicago for three years and helped launch Obama's political career in Illinois by hosting in his Hyde Park home an informal campaign event for the future state senator in 1995.

Ayers claimed the Weathermen were driven by "hope and love," not despair, and said he did not think the group's violent acts, targeting federal officials and local law enforcement officers, were "a big deal."

What a very interesting psychological profile Mr. Ayers must have.

Was it "hope" or "love" that led his fellow Weathermen to purchase two cases of dynamite, lengths of pipe, and roofing nails to build anti-personnel bombs?

Ayers was the boyfriend of fellow Weatherman bomb-builder Diana Oughten. Oughten was thought to be constructing massive pipe-bombs that used roofing nails for shrapnel in a Greenwich Village townhome, when they accidentally went off.

The target of those bombs wasn't to be a statute in an empty park at night.

It wasn't a federal building targeted at a time when most employees would have gone home.

The anti-personnel bombs she and other Weathermen were constructing were designed expressly to take the greatest human toll possible, and they were to be placed at a non-commissioned officer's dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey, targeting young soldiers, their wives, their girlfriends.

The multiple bombs were built to cause as much loss of life as possible, similar what Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold tried to do with their failed propane bombs at Columbine.

But the Weathermen never made it to their target of choice. The bombs they meant for innocents detonated as they were being assembled in a townhouse basement, killing terrorists Oughten, Ted Gold, and Terry Robbins.

Perhaps they would be happy to know that the bombs worked as designed, if prematurely. From the pieces of Oughten they were able to collect after the blast and other evidence, they think Oughten was standing over one of the bombs, perhaps with her hands on it, when it went off.

If the Weathermen had been successful in detonating multiple nail-filled bombs a dance filled with off-duty soldiers and their dates, would Bill Ayers still claim that the bombings of his group were " no big deal"?

Bloody taffeta and lace and the images of shocked, mutilated survivors would have changed that equation.

Just because the Weathermen were spectacularly unsuccessful in their attempts to prepare for mass murder doesn't make them any less vile.

Nor does it excuse Barack Obama from consorting with them for over 20 years.

Update: Andy McCarthy runs very much a parallel route, Bill Ayers: Unrepentant LYING Terrorist.

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Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:19 AM | Comments (23) | Add Comment
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FactCheck.Org: Obama Lied About his Born Alive Votes

Barack Obama coverup attempt fails:

At issue is Obama's opposition to Illinois legislation in 2001, 2002 and 2003 that would have defined any aborted fetus that showed signs of life as a "born alive infant" entitled to legal protection, even if doctors believe it could not survive.

Obama opposed the 2001 and 2002 "born alive" bills as backdoor attacks on a woman's legal right to abortion, but he says he would have been "fully in support" of a similar federal bill that President Bush had signed in 2002, because it contained protections for Roe v. Wade.

We find that, as the NRLC said in a recent statement, Obama voted in committee against the 2003 state bill that was nearly identical to the federal act he says he would have supported. Both contained identical clauses saying that nothing in the bills could be construed to affect legal rights of an unborn fetus, according to an undisputed summary written immediately after the committee's 2003 mark-up session.

The choice of a temple theme for Obama's stage now seems even more appropriate, as his nomination is indeed turning out to be a Greek tragedy.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 08:02 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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August 26, 2008

Jeep Jihadi Gets Up to 33 Years

Progressive university town that Chapel Hill is, they'll probably have some there protest the decision which resulted from Taheri-Azar's attempt to kill UNC-Chapel Hill students in The Pit with a rented SUV.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 02:52 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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The Left's Obama Assassination Fantasy

There are a lot of people who have hopes of Barack Obama being the target of an assassination attempt during the Democratic National Convention this week in Denver, and not all of them are his enemies. The arrest of a four drug users with stolen weapons and a single outlandish assassination claim has made that all too clear.

Local news reporters see the possibility of a career-enhancing national story. National news reporters in mass market liberal enclaves see an opportunity to once again push a meme they've been hammering at for over a year, of a racist American heartland. This meme, of Americans as violent backwards yokels, is a meme that smug Europeans dearly love as it helps them maintain the delusion of continental sophistication in the face of their own cultural decline.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the unhinged few in a nation of 300 million that would like to see Obama dead, including thus far a halfwit bail-bondsman wannabe, a Charlotte, NC man suffering the lingering effects of a brain injury, and now a quartet of meth-addled idiots with rumored ties to white supremacists and outlaw bikers.

As you may well imagine, bloggers pounced on the story as the local news did, taking shreds of information and trying to determine just how serious of a threat Barack Obama faced.

As it turns out, not much at all:

A half dozen federal security officials have told The Mouth that the supposed plot to assassinate Barack Obama during his Thursday acceptance speech in Denver by four armed dope suspects was considered a bunch of hooey.

Tharin Robert Gartrell, 28, and several other drug suspects linked to white supremacist groups were busted Sunday after Aurora, Colo., cops saw him driving a rented pickup erratically.

"What's in plain view? Guns and a bulletproof vest," a federal agent assigned to the Democrats' Denver nominating convention told The Mouth. "One rifle had a scope sighted in at 750 yards. But he said they werent his guns."

Cops went looking for Gartrell's pals at two hotels. At the second hotel, their knock on a door prompted a suspect to leap out his sixth-story window and break his ankle in the fall, sources said. During interrogation, one of the suspects dimed out a buddy for allegedly threatening to kill Obama, officials said.

"They all had meth with them. There is no evidence of a plot other than one guy's word, and meth heads aren't that reliable (with the truth)," the federal agent said.

Meth heads aren't exactly known for being a member of any reality-based community, and so the story might have flown completely under the radar as so much drug-addled hot air were it not for the fact that weapons, ammunition and a spotting scope were recovered during the initial arrest.

But what of the weapons, and the plot alleged by a single suspect? Police have not released much in the way of detail about the weapons or any plot, but as no key details have been released to the contrary, it seems likely the scope rifles were likely factory deer rifles and conventional commercial scopes, details which authorities are expected to release in a press conference later today.

The claim of the rifle being sighted at 750 yards is simple hearsay repeating of the suspect's claim; one cannot determine wher a weapon is zeroed with any certainly by simply looking at the weapon's scope. If the police haven't fired it, they simply don't know if it is sighted at 750 yards, or if it has even been sighted at all. One must also take into account that the weapons were plain view with no protective case in the suspect's pickup truck when confiscated, and the jarring of a moderately-sized pothole could easily render a scope's zero worthless at all but close range.

There is little chance that those arrested posed any serious threat, or even had a plan at all.

An average shooter with a scoped rifle can hit a man-sized target at 100 yards with regularity. An average shooter who has been practicing can make the same shot at 200 yards with no discernible change in point-of-aim. A good shooter who knows his gun, ammunition, and wind conditions can make the shot at 300 yards most of the time, but much beyond that, wind drift, ballistics, shooter experience, imperfections in trigger control and limitations of the weapon and ammunition make such shots improbable even on a stationary target with plenty of time to prepare and fire.

Simply put, there is very little chance that anyone outside of a highly trained team of a well-trained precision long-distance shooter and a equally competent spotter could make such a shot as one at 750 yards, nor even any verified opportunity that Obama would present himself as a target in any venue at that sort of range.

Many leading liberal bloggers, of course, aren't waiting around to determine if there was an actual threat to Obama. A possibility of a threat, however non-viable, is all the excuse they need to blame the racist and ideological hate that liberals just know is at the core of every Republican's soul, and even claim that McCain needs to denounce such morons, as if he had any role, knowledge, or ties to a group of no-account meth users.

I could of course point out that these same liberal bloggers and their ideological kin have been silent in recent years as Andrew Mickel, a radical left-wing progressive Indymedia contributor, earned a spot on death row for assassinating a police officer because of his exposure to radical left wing ideologies. I could just as easily point out they've turned a blind eye time and again to video games, tee shirts, "art," and left wing hate speech which has advocated violence again conservative political figures, authority figures, and the the military. Hell... even Barack Obama himself includes among his friends of many years left-wing terrorists and murderers.

But perhaps the most sinister undertone is the hint of hopefulness among a certain element of the left wing that perhaps someone will succeed in assassinating Barack Obama.

Such a tragedy would serve as a confirmation of their firmly held beliefs that conservatives are evil, and could possibly trigger a backlash that would fill the anarchists among them with glee. At the same time, an Obama death would provide progressives with a martyred hero in place of what troubles many of them the most; deep-seated and well-placed fears that Barack Obama is precisely what his record suggests, a shallow, vain, and arrogant opportunist who has created impossible expectations with little possibility that he capable of coming close to meeting those impossibly inflated expectations.

In places liberals don't want to talk about, they'd rather have a martyr than a failure. That is the reason they pounce upon even the remotest possibility of Obama's untimely end with such fervor.

The audacity of hope, indeed.

Update: Druggies never posed a threat.

Three men who authorities initially feared were plotting to assassinate Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention are facing only gun charges — signaling they never posed a real threat.

A federal law enforcement official in Denver said the three men and a woman also arrested on Sunday are not expected to be charged with making threatening statements, conspiracy or other national security-related crimes.


The likelihood of an assassination attempt on Democratic presidential candidate Obama was downplayed by law enforcement officials in Colorado and Washington.

"We're absolutely confident there is no credible threat to the candidate, the Democratic National Convention, or the people of Colorado," U.S. Attorney Troy Eid said in a statement.

Another AP account offers telling information, including statements that could reasonably be interpreted as clues that the weapons may have been small caliber, perhaps rimfire rifles.

"The capability and their opportunity and what they had for their weaponry — I don't see that they would have been able to carry it out," the official said on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

Nearly any centerfire rifle would have to be assumed as at least a somewhat credible threat as an assassination weapon out to several hundred yards at a minimum, but the official seems to indicate that the weapons recovered were not viewed as a significant threat with his remarks about the capability of those arrested and their weaponry. While rimfire rifles can indeed be lethal at close range, they fire tiny bullets at relatively low velocities, severely limiting their effective range.

This seems to be further hinted at in concluding paragraphs:

Law enforcement officials were also investigating whether the men were linked to vandalism shootings that targeted at least two federal buildings in Denver over the past two weeks. Windows were shot at the U.S. Custom House and the U.S. Military Entrance Processing Station on the same street in Denver's downtown Federal District.

Additionally, a bullet was recovered from a Hertz rental car that was hit on Aug. 15, and authorities are now looking to see if it could have matched the guns seized from the men.

If shots fired into federal buildings are only considered vandalism, it once again seems to indicate rimfire weapons. Additionally, most centerfire bullets, rifle or pistol, will either complete penetrate through the sheet metal and glass of cars, or shatter upon impact, in most cases not leaving behind much to recover. A rimfire bullet fired into a vehicle, however, could very well not have enough escape the vehicle or fragment, meaning that authorities could recover a bullet and potentially link it to other attack via the rifling marks left on a bullet.

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Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:41 AM | Comments (69) | Add Comment
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August 25, 2008

Obama: Leave My Terrorist Friends Alone!

This attempt by Barack Obama to minimize the murderous acts of his long-time terrorist friends is pathetic.

Allahpundit notes:

His argument is so weak that it doesn't really qualify as an argument: Yes, we're friendly, but it's ancient history and I denounced what he did, so what’s the big deal about socializing with, um, an unrepentant terrorist? As for the submoronic point about Ayers's crimes having been committed when Obama was eight — a staple of the left's feeble defense of him on this subject — imagine what the reaction would be if Bobby Jindal, say, had struck up a chummy pen pal correspondence with Charles Manson while in his late 20s.

Charles Manson, you say? Yes we can.

On the morning of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, along with a million other readers of the New York Times (including many who would never be able to read the paper again), I opened its pages to be confronted by a color photo showing a middle-aged couple holding hands and affecting a defiant look at the camera. In retrospect, the article's headline could not have been more flesh-crawling: "No Regrets for a Love of Explosives." The couple pictured were Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, former leaders of the 1960s' Weather Underground, America's first terrorist cult. One of their bombing targets, as it happened, was the Pentagon.

"I don't regret setting bombs," Ayers was quoted in the opening line of the Times' profile. "I feel we didn't do enough." In 1969, Ayers and his wife convened a "War Council" in Flint, Mich., whose purpose was to launch a military front inside the United States with the purpose of helping Third World revolutionaries conquer and destroy it. Taking charge of the podium, dressed in high-heeled boots and a leather miniskirt -- her signature uniform -- Dorhn incited the assembled radicals to join the war against "Amerikkka" and create chaos and destruction in the "belly of the beast." Her voice rising to a fevered pitch, Dohrn raised three fingers in a "fork salute" to mass murderer Charles Manson, whom she proposed as a symbol to her troops. Referring to the helpless victims of the Manson Family as the "Tate Eight " (the pregnant actress Sharon Tate had been stabbed in her womb with a fork), Dohrn shouted: "Dig it. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, they even shoved a fork into a victim's stomach! Wild! "

Oh, yes, kids.

The lovely Ms. Dohrn, Mrs. Bill Ayers, is not just the hostess of Barack Obama's first fundraiser, but an enthusiastic fan of the way Charles Mason's cult murdered a woman who was almost nine months pregnant. Dorhn is suspected of multiple terrorist acts, including building and planting the bomb that detonated at San Francisco's Park Police Station, killing one police officer and blinding another.

Bill Ayers admits directly being involved in attacks on New York City Police Headquarters, the Capitol building, and the Pentagon.

Fellow Weathermen had 100 sticks of dynamite and boxes of roofing nails they were making into pipe bombs to massacre revelers at an non-commissioned officers dance at Fort Dix. Ayer's girlfriend at the time, Diana Oughton, was building one of the nail-filled bombs when it went off in her hands. Instead of unsuspecting soldiers and their innocent dates, these terrorists killed only themselves, that time.

Dohrn worked at the law firm of Sidley Austin thanks to Ayers family connections with the firm. Other famous lawyers at Sidley Austin you might know include summer associate Barack Obama and Michelle Robinson, later Michelle Obama.

Funny, how the incestuous circle ties itself in knots.

Barack Obama has been involved with the Ayers clan since 1987, when Obama led the Developing Communities Project, a component of the ABCs Coalition coordinated by Bill Ayers and led by Ayer's father. The Woods Fund, the Chicago Anneberg Challenge... Barack and Michelle Obama has a paper trail with the Ayers clan and Bernadine Dohrn that goes back more than two decades, and appears to be not just professional, but personal. Obama felt comfortable having his first fundraiser at the home of well-known terrorists, and I wonder; did the Obama's ever return the favor, having Dorhn and Ayers as guests in their mansion? Does Barack Obama's "judgment to lead" include exposing his elementary-aged daughters to cold-blooded killers in their own home?

Barack Obama wants to convince us that it shouldn't matter that Bill Ayers, Ayer's dead terrorist bomber girlfriend, his terrorist wife and their cronies declared war on the United States and murdered its citizens. The murders, the treason, the bombings of American targets in a war they declared... all distractions. And I was eight.

The simple fact of the matter is that though he has been given numerous chances, Barack Obama will not refute his terrorist friends. Instead, he just attempts to minimize their crimes.

Americans have every right to question why.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 08:50 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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The Monochromatic Coalition

Unity, Obama style:

When talking with the Sun-Times, the Hillary Clinton steering committee member had a word to say about sell-outs:

Taking a final shot at Jones, Cobb said, "Calling me an 'Uncle TomÂ’'is beyond the pale, especially considering where he is [close] with Mayor Daley and with [Gov.] Blagojevich, I am hardly the Uncle Tom here."

Identity politics — it's what's for dinner in Denver. Can anyone doubt that this same kind of political tactic took place all over Chicago and the US? The fact that it’s still happening now says that Denver may turn out to be a meltdown — if not in front of the cameras, then off-stage.

If Team Obama wanted a show of unity from the Pepsi Center, this indicates that they haven't achieved that goal, probably because they've never set the example. For a campaign that promised post-racial politicking, its candidate and surrogates haven't been above race-baiting at the drop of a hat. This goes hand in hand with Obama's repeated baseless smears of John McCain as a racist. Emil Jones just followed Obama's lead, as Obama has followed his.

Post racial = everybody is a racist, so the word no longer has any meaning?

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 08:48 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 205 words, total size 1 kb.

August 23, 2008

Oh, the Gaffes We'll Have...

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 06:15 AM | Comments (28) | Add Comment
Post contains 10 words, total size 1 kb.

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