September 14, 2009

Nuts in the Fire

After three separate ACORN offices enthusiastically attempted to help a pimp and prostitute get a government loan for a brothel to be filled with underage girls from Central America, the Senate has voted 983-7 to strip the Obama-trained organization of all federal funding.

The Pedophile-Pimping Seven are:

  • Dick Durbin (D-IL)
  • Roland Burris (D-IL)
  • Robert Casey (D-PA)
  • Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
  • Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
  • Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
  • Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)

President Obama, who spent time training ACORN operatives as a community organizer in Chicago and who recently displayed rapt interest in a new vintage of South American origin, could not immediately be reached for comment.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 08:21 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 105 words, total size 1 kb.

ACORN: Rotten to the Core


Busted for the third time helping a "pimp" and "prostitute" illegally acquire housing loans for a brothel to traffic in under-age illegal aliens. ACORN is a corrupt and possibly criminal enterprise, and all federal and state associations and funding to the group should immediately be severed.

The Department of Justice must launch an investigation immediately, and if they fail to do so, Eric Holder needs to step down as Attorney General.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 86 words, total size 1 kb.

September 13, 2009

No Surprise Here: Kanye West Hates White People

I could care less about the various award shows and stopped watching music video channels way back when they stopped playing music videos, but chronic tool Kanye West's latest stunt goes too far. West snatched the microphone out of Taylor Swift's hand as she started to give her acceptance speech for Best Female video at the VMAs, and told her that she didn't deserve the award, that Beyoncé did.

I don't know the videos in question, and frankly, it doesn't matter. What we do know is that West is a first rate jerk with a long record of deviant and outrageous behavior, who acted up again when a white girl won an award he thought a black artist deserved.

I'd say it was likely a racist incident, but then, with West, that's to be expected.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 11:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 151 words, total size 1 kb.

September 10, 2009

Long Guns I'd Like to See

Every once in a while I get the opportunity to test some exquisite firearms.

The last to pass through my hands was Ruger's first entry into the AR market, the piston-driven SR-556, which I was able to outfit with an Insight Technologies MRDS optic. I just returned it last week after having it for three months, and it was tough to send back. I'll post my range report in the weeks to come.

Having a newly-released gun in your hands sometimes lead you to try to get into the mind of the designer to try to understand why they decided on the features they brought to market, and in my case, that leads me to wonder about other firearms that I'd be interested in seeing developed from existing firearms, or entirely new designs.

There are two that I've been kicking around in the back of my mind in recent weeks, one being a 5.56 Garand, and the other is a user-friendly dedicated home-defense shotgun.

The 5.56 Garand

The Garand needs no introduction. It was America's premier service rifle in World War II through the Korean War, a semi-automatic firing eight .30-'06 rounds loaded from an en bloc clip.

There are millions of Garands in the hands of American shooters, with the vast majority of them chambered in the traditional .30-'06, but the .308 Winchester increasing being adopted in new rifles. Modification of Garands into other calibers is nothing new, with custom Garands chambered in .338 Magnum and 458 Magnum being available to those who can afford them, but I'd like to see development taken the other way.

I'd like to see a Garand design modernized and scaled to the 5.56 cartridge. Imagine a Garand at 90-percent the size of the original, with a forward-mounted short section of picatinny rail for "scout"-type scopes, with a detachable rear sight (and perhaps a folding rear backup iron site). Even scaled to 90-percent, I wold think an 8-10 round en bloc clip is quite possible.

I imagine it as a truck gun, equally suited for utility work, plinking, predator, and defense or light to medium game hunting.

The Home Defense Shotgun

While the 5.56 is a nice " want to have," the next firearm on my wish list is for a real and vital market that in my experience, is under-served.

When I was selling firearms, the most heart-wrenching work I took on was trying to help someone who had recently been the victim of a crime. A young couple just starting out was living in rough part of town, awoke one night to a someone high on drugs battering open their front door. A single older lady found signs that someone had tried to force open her apartment window. A single woman in her 20s, visibly shaken, scared that her obsessive ex-boyfriend was going to break in one night and hurt her for leaving him.

None of these customers was the caricature of a gun owner that liberals love to set up as strawmen, and none really wanted to purchase a gun. What they really wanted was the sense of security that only firearms can provide in a potentially dangerous situation.

For each of these customers, I wish I had a better option than what I had on the shelves. What I wish I had to sell was a very easy to operate, compact and nearly foolproof shotgun, one that was light and compact enough for women and smaller-statured men, without punishing recoil, and with at least 4-5 rounds in the magazine. I still don't see a perfect solution on the market (and a one-size fits all solution will never exist), but something built off the basic concepts behind the Kel-Tec RFB would certainly be a step in the right direction.

The RFB is a very compact bullpup-style .308 rifle that ejects spent shells forward, meaning it can be used ambidextrously without any modifications. A similar weapon chambered in 20-gauge with simple iron sights and larger game loads (#4-#6) could certainly be the in-home, last defense gun that I would have recommended if we had it on the shelf.

I don't know that there is a significant market for either firearm, but it would certainly be interesting to see how such concepts might work out.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:52 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Worshipping Protocol Over Truth

The extent of which our leaders have utterly warped morals was glaringly revealed last night when SC Rep. Joe Wilson shouted out "You Lie!" after President Obama claimed that the health-care proposals he supports would not cover illegal aliens.

The simple fact of the matter is that Wilson was correct; there is nothing in the Democratic bill that would exclude coverage to those in this country illegally, and the President knows that to be true.

And yet it is a far greater sin in the eyes of the Congress that Wilson breached protocol than it was the President willfully and knowingly lied to the American people. Even Wilson himself, throughly indoctrinated, was immediately contrite.

But why should he be?

Do the trapping of office and protocol demand that obvious lies that are spouted in Congressional addresses go uncontested? Apparently so.

And we're a poorer nation for it.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 07:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 155 words, total size 1 kb.

September 09, 2009

29 Times Later: The Definition of Insanity is...

I must have read someone who miscounted earlier; the speech that President Obama is planning to give in just a few moments is his 29th attempt to sell the American people on the idea that the steaming pile of crap healthcare he's pimping is actually a bouquet of roses.

Based upon the excerpts already released, his delivery could run the gamut of emotions from angry and exasperated to shrill and preachy.

Don't you bitter clingers get it?

Yeah, I think I might just live blog this. Almost showtime...

8:03--Someone turn down the volume of Hillary's suit.

8:09--I can't recall ever seeing so many false smiles in one place. Well, since the last time Congress was on TV, at least.

8:11--The Won walks in. The camera flashes to Michelle, and quickly cuts away from the sour expression on her face. Wonder what her issue was?

8:14--Michelle again as Barack takes the podium. She's irritated at someone or something... doubt we'll ever find out what.

8:16--Pelosi officially presents Obama. And it begins...

8:17--Proudly claims we have "pulled this economy back from the brink." I hope he's not counting his chickens.

8:19--to the meat, and first of his pre-released comments about health care reform.

8:20--the scolding begins. Not doing too bad in his tone just yet. Think he can keep it under wraps for long?

8:22--Did Pelosi have more work done to her face? It looks like a too-tight mask.

8:23--They cut again, briefly, to the First Lady. Scowling. Again.

8:26--"Build on what works, and fix what doesn't." Who can disagree with that? Apparently, those writing the bills...

8:27--He's not doing bad with the tone of his delivery, but the message itself sounds week.

8:28--Spoke too soon. Got preachy, but settled back down after the applause line.

8:30--Going into his promises, starting to get a bit of attitude... not bad, but you can see the frustration.

8:32--Making all sorts of promises that make private insurance tough, if not untenable when competing against the government. He's not offering anything substantially different that what the American people have already decided that they don't want.

8:37--Spend 8 hours in a project management class today. Now I'm watching what some claim is a very smart man attempting to lie to the American people, claiming that a series of goals is a plan. There is no plan. I repeat. HE ISN"T OFFERING A PLAN. HE'S JUST A OFFERING A WISHLIST.

8:38--Someone shouted out "LIE!" when he claimed his plan wouldn't insure illegal aliens. I didn't know the GAO was being represented here tonight...

8:41--tuned out for a minute. sorry.

8:43--health care is somehow like college... McCain is looking at Obama like he's an idiot.

8:44--Claims he won't sign a plan that adds "one dime" to our deficits, now or in the future. Ballsy, to lie that boldly. And yes, Obots, the GAO agrees that this is a blatant lie.

8:48--Won't touch (or reform) Medicare... and wants an additional system? Why? Are Social Security and Medicare not inefficient or bankrupting what is left of the economy fast enough?

8:54--Can't "my door is always open, though he hasn't asked a Republican to come through it to work on Health care since April.

8:56--cue violins... here comes Ted Kennedy's body being propped up on top of Paul Wellstone.

8:58--still pimping the bloated corpse.

8:59--still pimping the bloated corpse.

9:00--tries to compare Social Security and Medicare to his plan. Utterly ignores that both of those plans had popular public support, and this plan is in the negative and losing ground every day.

9:01--Claims more government is the answer to our problems. And he was serious.

9:03. Finally, mercifully, over.

29 times, and still sounding the same flat note. President Obama is still lying and claiming he has a plan. A laundry list of unsupportable wishes is not a plan.
What a waste of time.

What a waste of an Administration.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 08:00 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 665 words, total size 4 kb.

September 07, 2009

Resignation and Reality

If you follow the political blogosphere, you likely know about the various controversial statements and associations that eventually led to Obama's "green czar" Van Jones resigning.

Jones signed his name to a petition saying that he thought the Bush Administration let 9/11 happen; earlier documentation links him to other publicized "truther" activities as early as January of 2002. Jones is also a supporter of convicted Black Panther cop killer Mumia Abu Jamal, and buys into the theory that the murderer was framed. Jones also maintains that a shadowy entity of white Americans polluters is shipping poison into "people of color communities."

None of these allegations are debatable. None have been taken out of context or "spun." They accurately reflect what Van Jones himself said, felt, or subscribed to as a man and an activist. Because none of these beliefs are defensible to rational people, Jones had little choice but to resign. The fact that the did so in the dead of night on a holiday weekend only proves how indefensible his positions were.

But the most fascinating aspect of this entire affair is the left's response to Jones being called to the carpet for his beliefs.

Peer into the links on Memeorandum for yesterday or this afternoon and you will see a near-uniform claim that Jones was somehow unfairly smeared.

They try to focus attention elsewhere, on various irrelevant claims. They claim that Jones was targeted because he went after Glenn Beck of Fox News (utterly untrue; Beck had targeted Jones well in advance of Jones' organization going after Beck).

They state there must be collusion between Fox News and the center-right blogosphere in trying to bring Jones down... and of course, there is no evidence at all to suggest such an alliance exists. Perhaps they're projecting.

And of course, some claim that Jones was targeted because he made inflammatory statements, such as calling Republicans "a--holes," a belief that many Democrats share (and conservatives, truth be told, often reciprocate the sentiment).

None of those claims are relevant, and they are replete with denial.

How Van Jones feels about Republicans isn't relevant to his job, nor was his use of coarse language to describe those feelings. It did not play a role in his resignation. Fox News, while certainly influential, doesn't have nearly enough power to bring down a presidential appointee. Nor does Glenn Beck, or Matt Drudge, or the conservative blogosphere.

One thing and one thing only brought down Van Jones, and the political left cannot bring itself to face the truth.

Van Jones was laid low by the truthful, unembellished and accurate accounting of the many radical beliefs he shares with both President Obama and the far left progressive movement from which he came.

Cop-killer Mumia has long been a living martyr for the radical left, just as mass murderer Che Guevara has long been a celebrated dead hero in liberal enclaves.

Beliefs that the Bush Administration let the 9/11 terror attacks occur are closely tied to the mainstream progressive belief that Bush used the attacks to fabricate an "illegal war for oil" in Iraq. The theory that Bush falsified reasons to invade Iraq for some sort of profit is so commonly accepted on the far left as to be beyond debate.

Jones' theory that white polluters were attempting to poison ethic communities fits hand-in-glove with long-running left wing conspiracy theories that crack cocaine was created by government agencies to destroy/oppress minority neighborhoods.

Whether they call themselves liberals or progressives, radical leftists cannot admit the obvious fact that Van Jones was forced to resign from Obama's White House for being too open in his support of common left-wing beliefs. These tenuous theories are accepted and repeated in radical leftist populations as fact, but like the "theft" of the 2000 election, the significance of the so-called Downing Street Memos and delusions of the previous President plotting a military coup, they are theories that non-radicalized Americans easily recognized as the ranting of fevered minds.

Van Jones is just the first casualty of the collision between objective reality and an insular community-based reality woven from a tapestry of delusions, conspiracy theories, and impotent rage. Very likely, he will not be the last radical to fall, and that probability scares the crap out of them.

Update Via Hot Air Headlines, Dan Calabrese concurs:

The real reason Jones had to go was not his ideas per se. He thinks the way President Obama thinks. Jones had to go because his presence in the administration revealed so much about how the left operates – and these are supposed to be closely guarded family secrets.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 01:00 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 775 words, total size 6 kb.

September 03, 2009

Find Young Cannibal

The Ventured County Star has posted a picture of a agitator in his late 40s or 50s that crossed the street yesterday afternoon to confront a group of anti-Obamacare protesters, and caused a peaceful protest to devolve into violence.

The man on the far right of the photo wearing black shorts and tee shirt got in the face of one of the smaller seniors in attendence, Bill Rice, and began yelling at him. The confrontation escalated, with Rice throwing two punches in what other witnesses described as self-defense. The second punch ended up in the man's mouth, at which point the instigator of the conflict bit Mr. Rice's finger off.

The Ventura County Sheriff's Department is looking for the MoveOn.Org protester, who will likely be charged with felony mayhem.

If you can identify the suspect, please call the Sheriff's Department investigations bureau at (805)494-8201, and bring this elder-abusing thug to justice.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:04 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 158 words, total size 1 kb.

September 02, 2009

State Dept. Extended Blackwater's Air Arm in Iraq

The simple fact of the matter is that they're the best organization for the job.

State Department officials said Wednesday they have extended a contract with a subsidiary of the security firm once known as Blackwater USA despite the fact the North Carolina company is not allowed to work in the country.

Three officials said the contract with Presidential Airways to provide air support for U.S. diplomats was temporarily extended because the firm chosen to replace it is not yet ready to take over. The contract was due to expire on Sept. 3 and be taken over a day later by Dyncorp International.

Presidential is the air wing of Xe Services, of Moyock, N.C., which used to be known as Blackwater. The Iraqi government refused to grant the company an operating license earlier this year amid continued outrage over a 2007 lethal firefight involving some of its employees in Baghdad.

One official said that providing helicopter air support for American diplomats in Iraq - transporting them and overflying their convoys - is a "complex challenge" and that "a slower transition to DynCorp taking over the task order is in the best interest of the government."

"We unilaterally extended the current task order ... to ensure the continued security and safety of U.S. personnel in Iraq," the official said.

Numerous allegations have been made against Blackwater (now Xe) and founder Eric Prince, ranging from excessive use of force, to smuggling weapons to attempting a crusade, with allegation more hysteric than the last.

The simple fact of the matter, however, is that Xe is an entire range of companies, and does far more than just provide security contractors. Presidential performs a role that other contractors have not been able to perform to the same standards, freeing up military aviators to support the mission instead of ferrying VIPs.

I can only imagine that this news is going to cause a knee-jerk response among the less-informed, but the simple fact of the matter is that the decision is a pragmatic one, to ensure that our diplomats are in the best of care.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 02:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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