July 30, 2005

A Few Words From Russ

Russ Vaugn sent me the following original poem. I'll let it speak for itself.

Handmaidens of Terror?

Michelle Malkin notes, I believe with some error,
The politically correct are handmaidens of terror.

But handmaiden may be a too-mild appellation
For the worms at the core of the threat to our nation,

Who are far more concerned with our socialist purity,
Than commonsense measures for our nation's security.

They'll insist we don't need anti-terrorist powers,
Till terror bombs blow down their own ivory towers.

More than mere handmaids in true servile sense,
They're concubines of correctness in Jihadist tents,

Plying socialist sweetmeats to death-dealing masters,
Naively abetting more future disasters.

Respect our dark brothers say these houris beguiling,
No need for your paranoid, racist profiling.

Forget swarthy males from the East caused our losses,
We must share their pain, understand their root causes.

These handmaids ignore their own reasoning powers,
Like no grannies flew planes into those twin towers;

Or why we're not shown after a terror event,
Any mug shots of men of Caucasian descent.

They insist we ignore facts as plain as their faces,
Like Islamo-fascists tend to be certain races.

No, Michelle, dear, I fear that handmaiden's in error,
Simply too mild a term for these true whores for terror.

--Russ Vaughn

Inspired by a Michelle Malkin column.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 06:17 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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My One and Only Post About Natalee Holloway

Dan Riehl of Riehl World View emailed this morning about an upsetting result in a Google Search for Natalee Holloway, the teenager that has gone missing in Aruba. Dan has become the "go-to" guy in the blogosphere for information about Ms. Holloway, her disappearance, and the ongoing investigation.

You can see the offensive search results for yourself if you'd like. The title of the top-ranked post is, to put it mildly, disgusting to most people. As a result, Dan is asking people to contact Google and let it have a peace of their minds.

Personally, I don't "get" the MSM's fascination with Natalee Holloway, and chalk it up in large part to Pretty Blonde Girl Syndrome. Perhaps I'd be a bit less cynical about the media's motives if they were covering the disappearance of a girl in a far less tropical clime... say, Philadelphia.

That aside, I understand Dan's frustration, and if that post retains its top position solely as a result of a human editor's bias, Google may indeed have something to account for, as they already do for their apparent Google News bias.

I guess only time will tell. In any event, if you'd care to help Dan out, please go right on over. I'm sure he'd appreciate the support.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 06:05 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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NY Times Editorial: 9/11 Families Are "Un-American"

Michelle Malkin, as usual, provides excellent coverage of the NY Times as it attacks 9/11 family members for not allowing liberal elitists to turn Ground Zero into a political "Blame America" museum that the left so desperately wanted.

The families merely want the site to be an apolitical memorial to the nearly 3,000 dead. That is apparently too much for the Times:

But this is not really a campaign about money or space. It is a campaign about political purity - about how people remember 9/11 and about how we choose to read its aftermath, including the Iraq war. On their Web site, www.takebackthememorial.org, critics of the cultural plan at ground zero offer a resolution called Campaign America. It says that ground zero must contain no facilities "that house controversial debate, dialogue, artistic impressions, or exhibits referring to extraneous historical events." This, to us, sounds un-American.

Ground Zero is a place of rememberance, not a place to demonstrate against those who died. Why is that so hard to understand for the Timeseditorial board?

Please go to Take Back The Memorial for their response to this cowardly unsigned Times editorial, and while you are there, please read and sign the petition.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 214 words, total size 2 kb.

July 29, 2005

The Advocate: "God hates Boy Scouts."

According to Karel at The Advocate, the electricution deaths of four Scout leaders at the beginning of this week, the 300 cases of heat-related illnesses mid-week, and the lightning strike that killed a scoutmaster and rendered a teenaged scout brain dead are acts of revenge by God against the Boy Scouts for discriminating against gays.

It couldn't be clearer. God hates the Scouts' policy of discrimination against gays. That's right, God is pro-gay, and he/she/it is letting that be known, beginning with some good ol' fashioned smiting of those who are blatantly going against his laws and discriminating against his creation, gay men.

Karel seems old enough to have heard the bitter viciousness of AIDS jokes back during the early 1980s. Do you remember those Karel? I do.

As bad as those were, AIDS jokes were a nervous defensive reaction against an unseen killer we didn't understand. It was a coping mechanism, as crude and crass as they come, but at least it had a purpose.

I've yet to find anything especially witty or incisive in this hatefest by Charles Karel Bouley who mocks the deaths of six people and the pain of hundreds more. Sometimes, poor sarcasm is just a thin veneer for hate. Karel simply proves that hate and biogtry isn't monopolized by one sexual orientation.

Update: You-know-who is quick to jump on the bandwagon.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:57 PM | Comments (39) | Add Comment
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Oliver Stone is NEVER WRONG

Via Bloomburg:

The U.S. economy grew at a 3.4 percent annual pace from April through June, the ninth straight quarter exceeding 3 percent, as booming sales allowed companies to pare bloated inventories.

The government's first estimate of second-quarter gross domestic product, the value of all goods and services produced in the U.S., compares with a 3.8 percent gain in the year's first three months, the Commerce Department reported today in Washington. Not since January 1983 through March 1986 has growth exceeded 3 percent in as many quarters.

Wait. Just. One. Minute.

That can't be right, because the economy is going bust. Oliver Stone said so.


I'd like to add that his new 9/11 movie will be great—and his rumored casting choice for the eccentric, devoutly Christian, and brave Marine rescuer Dave Karnes is nothing short of inspired.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 07:38 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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July 28, 2005

San FranGitmo

(h/t: Drudge)

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime - Pol Pot or others - that had no concern for human beings. Sadly, that is not the case."

First Dick Durbin's Cook County, now Nancy Pelosi's own San Francisco.

Maybe Democrats really are the experts on prison abuse!

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:07 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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“He Hates These Cans!”

(h/t: Ace)

Via the Guardian:

A press conference organised by the city council took an unexpected twist when the chairman of Birmingham central mosque, Mohammad Naseem, who is known as a moderate voice, attacked the way the bombings investigation had been carried out.
Dr Naseem said the government had given the impression Muslims were to be targeted. "Why do we not have an open mind about this?" he asked. "Terrorists can be anybody."

He had seen no evidence Muslims were responsible for the bombings and attempted attacks. He claimed the four men killed among others on July 7 could have been innocent passengers. [emphasis added]

UmÂ… yeah.

It kind of reminds me of that bit of stupidity in The Jerk:

“He hates these cans!” (get audio clip)

I liked this load better when Larry was flinging it with both hands last week.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 07:25 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Google News: Oozing the Pus of Media Bias

You've got to hand it to "al-Qaedarrific" online news aggregator Google News: they are consistent.

Google News claims:

Google News gathers stories from more than 4,500 news sources in English worldwide, and automatically arranges them to present the most relevant news first. Topics are updated every 15 minutes, so you're likely to see new stories each time you check the page. You pick the item that interests you, then go directly to the site which published the account you want to read.

Google News is a highly unusual news service in that our results are compiled solely by computer algorithms, without human intervention. As a result, news sources are selected without regard to political viewpoint or ideology, enabling you to see how different news organizations are reporting the same story.

While Google News results may be gathered by a computer algorithm, who decides which article and headline get the lead story treatment on any given topic? It would seem that these pages are compiled by humans, and apparently those with strong political opinions.

Google News once again shows its bias early Thursday morning, leading its "top stories" coverage of a possible U.S. troop drawdown in Iraq with an article from an organization called the World Peace Herald, with the headline, "U.S. plans Iraq Troops cuts as revolt rages." The article is written with the decidedly "Bush Lied, People Died!" far left tone one would expect from an organization that "seeks to provide readers with access to news and views not often found in the traditional media, with a particular focus on issues that relate to building world peace" [emphasis added].

Google News, which claims it "gathers stories from more than 4,500 news sources in English worldwide, and automatically arranges them to present the most relevant news first," leads with this 17 hour-old story, even though there were 68 articles that were more recent on the same topic from much more credible news sources that are far less biased in tone. Examples of this are articles from the Chicago Tribune (one hour old*), the UK's Guardian (two hours old*), or Pravda (four hours old*).

More balanced coverage? Um, yeah.

More than 600 of Google News' cited 4,500 news sources covered this story, and yet Google News prefers to lead their coverage with an extreme position from a minor contributor.

It seems quite odd that a computer algorithm would be designed to promote a specific political agenda.

One might begin to think stories in Google News are selected for prominence from human sources, perhaps those still bitter of the results of the 2004 election.

* relative to the time this post was researched.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 07:17 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 456 words, total size 4 kb.

July 27, 2005

At Least He's Consistent

Gop and the City shows that a hater is always a hater.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:04 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Not With a Bang

Via the New York Times:

The two giant unions that quit the A.F.L.-C.I.O. say their exodus will help revive the labor movement. But Greg Devereux, one of the 800 delegates at the union convention here, was not buying it.

"A lot of people are still stunned and angry about it," Mr. Devereux, a Washington State delegate from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, said Tuesday. "A lot of people view it as destructive and selfish."

Once upon a time, unionized labor accounted for roughly a quarter of all private sector jobs. These days, that percentage has plunged into the single digits and their political power has dwindled.

Two unions, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the Teamsters, have split from the A.F.L.-C.I.O, after having grown tired of wasting money on lobbying and supporting political candidates.

I should add, Democratic political candidates.

While few mainstream media pundits or even the unions themselves are willing to admit it directly, the A.F.L.-C.I.O. breakup can very much be attributed to the failure of the national Democratic Party to win or even hold the line in elections in recent years. These elections were supported by millions of union dollars that the SEIU, Teamsters, and others felt would have been better spent recruiting new union members.

While I think this is hardly the death knell of organized labor or the Democratic Party, it does point to a growing schism between elements of the blue collar, traditional union Democrats and a liberal leadership that seems to care more about gay marriage and than workers' rights.

A house divided against itself cannot stand, and as one wise conservative Democrat recently said, a party that loses touch with its base is a A National Party No More.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:45 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 26, 2005

Flogging Hillary

"I guess hiring a prostitute and beating her to recover the money you just paid is OK, as long as you don't see her naughty bits."


Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:37 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Dr. StrangeRove: Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love The Nuclear Option

The Supreme Court nomination of John Roberts seems to have taken the predicted turn; Democrats have asked for all documents related to Robert's work for the government, and the White House has released almost all of it, while holding onto paperwork from Roberts' time as deputy solicitor general during George H.W. Bush's administration.

The current Bush administration currently says that documents relating to Roberts' work as deputy solicitor general will not be given to senators, citing attorney-client privilege, as stated by seven former solicitor generals in a 2002 letter.

"Any attempt to intrude into the Office's highly privileged deliberations would come at the cost of the Solicitor General's ability to defend vigorously the United States' litigation interests -- a cost that also would be borne by Congress itself," the former officials said in a copy of the letter obtained by CNN.

The letter cited was written by Seth Waxman, one of three solicitors general under the Clinton administration. The letter was sent on behalf of Waxman, Walter Dellinger, and Drew Days of the Clinton administration; Kenneth Starr from the George H.W. Bush administration; Charles Fried and Robert Bork who served under Reagan; and Archibald Cox, who worked for President John F. Kennedy.

The job of the solicitor general is to argue cases for the government in the Supreme Court. The seven former solicitor generals feel that breaching the confidence of this office would be detrimental to the performance of the solicitor general; which seems to be an entirely reasonable positionÂ… well, reasonable except to those who might want to obstruct the confirmation of a judicial nominee.

A presumably still bitter John "Magic Hat" Kerry, who is not a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, was the first to call for the release of Roberts' written record, "in its entirety." This of course, is coming from a man who ran for the highest office in the land while refusing to release his own record.

Some newspapers are already quick to jump on the bandwagon of creating a Miguel Estrada-like battle between Democrats and the administration, where Estrada was filibustered for refusing to release his privileged solicitor general's office-related documents.

Estrada eventually withdrew his nomination due to Democratic stalling tactics, but it remains to be seen if Democrats will try the same tactic against Supreme Court nominee Roberts. In this instance, the media's prodding for an epic struggle between Democrats and Republicans is not in the best interests of their normal allies in the Democratic Party.

Reporters want copy and airtime, and Democrats ache to regain political power. If media liberals can successfully push political liberals into trying this same stalling tactic on Roberts that they did on Estrada, they will set the stage for their own disaster.

And. Then. Came. Rove.

There is every reason to believe that "Bush's Brain," conservative political strategist Karl Rove is once again deftly using the strengths and tendencies of the mainstream media and liberal politicians to practice jujitsu on the Democratic Party.

Unable to depose Rove via Nadagate, frustrated liberals might try to go after John Roberts in revenge. I'd wager the White House is counting on it. This would be a huge mistake, on par with thinking that a portly documentary filmmaker could really affect the outcome of an election.

Rove threw a head fake to the media from the word "go," floating a rumor that Edith Brown Clement, and later Edith Bunker might be the new Supreme Court nominee before he, err, Bush officially nominated the ultimate outsider that night: a white middle-aged male.

Roberts was anonymous when he was introduced, and by the time the political left was ready to begin an attack against him the next day, he was already known as the father of the adorable (and not gay) "dancing Jack." The moment that video segment came out, the Roberts family connected with every parent who'd ever had a four-year old act up in public. When Democrats were unable to mount an immediate and credible attack on John Roberts political views within the first 24 hours after the nomination, and Ann Coulter mounted an attack that painted him as not conservative enough, the ball game was effectively over.

Roberts has cute kids. He isn't the right wing extremist that liberals had shrieked that Bush would nominate. The American people said, "we'll take him."

Rove's brilliant strategy of getting Jack to take dance lessons and asking Fräulein Coulter to write her attack piece won the nomination before it began. What remains is just Another Rovian Plot™ to see just how far he can unhinge the Democrat Party.

Leahy gobbled up the bait first, quickly followed by Kerry. Others are sure to follow. If the trend continues and a complicit media keep pouring blood in the proverbial water, Liberal Democrats might work themselves up into a filibuster before they realize that it is their own hemoglobin that has them in a frenzy.

Completely oblivious to the outside world by In the Beltway madness, Democrats will not see the Nuclear Option coming down until it comes to a vote, and this time, the American people, sick to death of Democratic scheming, will be behind it 100%. The filibuster will die because of Rove's brilliance and a $39.95 dance class for a four year-old, and within a week of Roberts' confirmation, Rehnquist will step down.

Coulter's nomination to the Supreme Court will be immediate, and without the filibuster, unstoppable. The Scalia Court will be Rove's legacy to the world.

I must say that I've learned to be at peace with that.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:41 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 25, 2005

A Devil's Choice

There seems to be a lot of second-guessing of Operation Kratos, the London Metropolitan Police policy of shooting suspected suicide bombers in an effort to save civilian lives. The policy became public knowledge this past Friday when a man wearing a heavy padded coat fled police towards a subway less than 24 hours after a series of failed suicide bombings on London subway trains and a bus. The British police fearing a suicide bombing attack, shot him eight times, killing him instantly.

Tragically, the man, Jean Charles de Menezes, turned out to be a Brazilian electrician guilty at most of having an expired visa and very bad judgment. Hindsight being 20/20, some people are now second-guessing the shoot-to-kill-to-save-lives policy of Operation Kratos.

Some question why Metro police did not try detain him earlier. Some wonder why he was not shot in an arm or leg to disable him if police thought he was a threat. Some could not understand why police would shoot him, repeatedly, once he went down. Perhaps even more people are incredulous that the police say they did nothing wrong even though an admittedly innocent man died.

In an effort to cut through some of the confusion, I thought it might be helpful to create a post explaining on a high level how suicide bombs work, and explaining the general philosophy of shoot-to-kill-to-save policies.

Jihad for Dummies: A Non-technical Primer

Leaving ideology out of the equation, the defining trait of a suicide bomber is the willingness to personally detonate an explosive device in an attempt to kill others, knowing they will die in the process. While suicide bombers can take many forms, from the WWII-era kamikaze pilots and suicide submariners, to truck and boat bombers, the most common form of suicide bomber is one wearing explosives on his person.

It's so easy, even a kid can do it.

Suicide Belts
As the picture above hints, a suicide belt is among the more popular options for would-be suicide bombers. It is easy to construct, carries a decent payload of explosives, and can be easily concealable under a medium-weight coat, providing it has sufficient padding to break up the tell-tell outline of explosive charges.

Please note that the explosives on a suicide belt can take up a large part of a bomber's torso.

A close relative of the suicide belt is the suicide vest.

Suicide Vests
Suicide vest are very similar to suicide belts in terms of explosive power, but, the construction of the vests tends to make them more concealable. If you compare the belt designs above (and below) this vest, you'll note that the belts tend to "print," or show very easily though clothing due to sharp edges and angles of parts of the device that tend to catch fabric and betray the presence of the bomb. A vest, as used here, does not print as much as most bomb belts tend to, and is harder for authorities to spot.

Again, note how much of the body that explosives tend to cover.

If you think bomber above looks vaguely familiar, it is because you've probably seen him before.

Set It Off
Suicide bombers may have a mind of their own, but the explosives do not. Bombs need detonators.

As the photo above shows, detonators don't have to be elaborate. The pipe-bomb belt in the photo above has a simple plunger-type detonator. The wire from the detonator to the bomb can easily be run down a shirt or coat sleeve to a bomber's hand, where it is easily concealed.

All a bomber has to do to end his life and the lives of dozens around him is simply clinch his fist, and bring his thumb down.

Game Over.

Applied Lessons
Now you know a little bit about how suicide bomb belts and vests are constructed and commonly detonated, you can begin to develop an appreciation of the situation Metropolitan Police must have encountered this past Friday morning.

Police staked out a group of houses because they have information that one of the failed suicide bombers from the day before may have a connection to this general location. The very next morning, an man fitting the general age range (15-35) of the average suicide bomber leaves the block of houses wearing a padded coat; quite unusual dress for a humid July morning. He is also carrying a backpack, which were known to have been used in all successful and attempted suicide attacks in London to date.

The man then boards a bus that the police know leads to a nearby subway station. At this point, police must begin to have strong suspicions that there may be a follow-up attack in the works. At the subway station, the man, for reasons as yet unclear jumps the turnstiles and begins running for a train, refusing police calls to halt. The police run after him. As he enters a subway car, he trips and falls.

Now imagine you are the police officer who has had his city attacked twice by suicide bombers in the past few weeks, including four times in the past 24 hours. Keep in mind that you know exactly what could happen if you shoot into a suicide vest. Keep in mind what exactly what could happen if the man on the ground has a detonator under his thumb. Know that if you fire one man will die. If you don't fire, dozens could die.

Oh, and you have about second to make your decision

Glance quickly at the dozens of fearful citizens around you... what do you do?

Dozens of lives versus one. A Devil's Choice, but a choice that had to be made, and in this context, it appears the decision was made correctly.

Update: This post's description of suicide vests has drawn the attention of Clinton W. Taylor of The American Spectator, in an article called Prometheus, Deterred. I'd encourage my readers to check out Mr. Taylor's article. I'd also encourage A.S. readers to visit the front page of this blog for more breaking content.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:01 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 1015 words, total size 6 kb.

July 24, 2005

Liberals Lied, Londoners Died

Inflamatory rhetoric kills:

ON HIS last visit to relatives in Pakistan this year, one of the London bombers, Shehzad Tanweer, boasted of wanting to die in a revenge attack over the way Muslims are treated.

While his family in Leeds had no idea about his suicide mission, Tanweer confessed to his cousin his ambition to become a “holy warrior”. At his father's home village 30 miles from Faisalabad, Mohammad Saleem described yesterday how Tanweer, 22, hero-worshipped Osama bin Laden.

Mr Saleem supported his cousin's bombing at Aldgate station which killed seven people, saying: “Whatever he has done, if he has done it, then he has done right.” He recalled how Tanweer argued with family and friends about the need for violent retaliation over US abuse of Muslim prisoners in Guantanamo Bay. [emphasis added - Ed.]

No one died as the result of unethical U.S. military action in Guantanamo Bay. The body count due to unethical media and political actions continues to rise.

Jeff Goldstein of Protein Wisdom explores the impact of unethical behavior by Democrats, the media, and so-called human rights organizations in "Why Rhetoric Matters."

Go read it.

Update: Since Goldstein asked for it.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 08:18 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 199 words, total size 2 kb.

Anti-War Heros

I'd be willing to be the people responsible for this would agree with this crowd.

(h/t: Instapundit)

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 01:46 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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A Totally Different War

Via Instapundit:

"Let's support our troops. Bring them home." Please don't ever say those words again. Nothing is so disheartening to our troops who are in harm's way than to hear our own citizens say things like that.

On June 16, 2004, I willingly said goodbye to my wife and parents in a parking lot at Fort Drum, N.Y., not knowing if I would ever see them again. I don't expect any kinds of praise for this or special thanks because that is my job, and I knowingly volunteered for it. I never would have done that if I did not believe that I was defending this great country of ours and all those in it.

Read the whole thing.

Lt. David Lucas, who wrote this editorial, won a Bronze Star for his role in a dramatic hostage rescue.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 01:32 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 147 words, total size 1 kb.

July 23, 2005

Slow Police Response Jeopardized Lives

London Metropolitan Police are now saying that the south Asian man wearing a heavy coat on a muggy warm day who ran from police into the Tube the day after botched suicide attacks, tripped and was shot in the head is not related to the recent rash of Islamic terrorism.

Via BBC News:

A Scotland Yard statement read: "We believe we now know the identity of the man shot at Stockwell Underground station by police on Friday 22nd July 2005, although he is still subject to formal identification.

"We are now satisfied that he was not connected with the incidents of Thursday 21st July 2005.

"For somebody to lose their life in such circumstances is a tragedy and one that the Metropolitan Police Service regrets."

How should I respond?

You don't give children matches. You don't attempt to rewire your house without shutting off your electricity. And you certainly don't run from police when dressed suspiciously like a suicide bomber who attacked the same area the day before. Stupidity kills.

So does the unwillingness to follow established doctrine.

Operation Kratos, the operational plan and training of Metropolitan Police officers by the world's foremost experts on suicide bombers, failed yesterday. It did not fail because the man shot turned out to be an idiot rather than a suicide bomber. It failed because the man penetrated the perimeter and made it to the train before being shot. He never should have made it that far.

Commuter Mark Whitby captured the attention of the media yesterday with his dramatic recreation of events:

“As the man leapt on the train I looked at his face. He looked just like a cornered rat ... like a cornered fox, absolutely petrified.

“Then he tripped. One of the police officers was holding a black automatic pistol in his left hand. They held it down to him and unloaded five shots into him — bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

“Five shots and he's dead. It was no further than five yards from me. It was like a nightmare — a very distressing sight.”

Some are sure to vilify the police and their commanders for the decision to employ shoot-to-kill/head shot tactics, just as they would assuredly blame the authorities for not firing fast enough if the dead man had been a terrorist and had been able to detonate a bomb as he was falling. Mrs. Whitby would have found the situation far more distressing if she was spending today waiting for a call from the corner's office that they'd been able to locate the majority of Mr. Whitby.

Terrorism is a dirty business, and unfortunately, fighting terrorism can be bloody as well. It takes courage, dedication, and quick reactions. The Metropolitan Police failed yesterday, not because they lacked courage or dedication or because they shot the wrong man, but because they did not shoot him fast enough.

Operation Kratos, the shoot-to-kill policy designed to save London commuters from suicide bombers is a sound, intelligent policy, but it cannot work if the police are going to second-guess themselves.

Real suicide bombers are likely to take advantage of yesterday's justifiable shooting and the hesitation that might creep into the mind of the next Metropolitan police officer that is faced with a similar situation.

Everyone knows that the police are deadly serious now. The next suspect to run toward a bus or subway will likely be a terrorist intent on finishing his mission as he dies.

I have a bit of advice for the London Metro police offices on call that day: squeeze, don't jerk the trigger. You may kill indeed kill someone who isn't a terrorist... but if you're wrong and don't fire on a real terrorist, hundreds could pay for your hesitation.

Sight. Squeeze. Save lives.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 04:08 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 637 words, total size 4 kb.

This Sounds Familiar

So, the Transportation Safety Administration is illegally compiling passenger profile information?

This isn't the first time the government has been caught illegally collecting information on certain demographic groups. And certainly not the first time they've abused that information.

What was that bit about "absolute power" again?

But hey, we can trust the government...


Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 11:43 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 60 words, total size 1 kb.

July 22, 2005

The Consequences of Harboring Hate

Sooner or later all societies are going to realize that feeding hatred is an unsustainable idea, for hatred is unpredictable, disloyal, irrational, and it will always find a way to turn back on you.

This attack was targeted against westerners, but the attack happened in Egypt. Next time it could be Egyptian mothers, Jordanian daughters, or Saudi sons, who weren't faithful enough, pious enough, or were simply in the wrong spot at the wrong time.

That's the funny thing about cancer. Even if it wins, it dies, and the question is whether you will allow yourself to die with it.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:52 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 110 words, total size 1 kb.

That's Why I Say Hey Man, Nice Shot

Next? A British counterterrorist trains.

An article one week ago today in the Scotsman revealed that London Metro Police could be given orders to fire at the heads of suspected suicide bombers in an effort to save lives in a plan called Operation Kratos:

Normal firearms rules mean officers fire at the chests of targets, with the intention of stopping and incapacitating, but not directly aiming to kill.

But the Met has been advised by Israeli security officials that this is not adequate, since even after several shots they can still be capable of triggering an explosive device.

Shooting at the chest also runs the risk of triggering explosives strapped to a terrorist's body.

Shots to the head, by contrast, kill immediately, almost instantly causing the nervous system to shut down, preventing any detonation.

Today saw dramatic evidence that that policy was indeed in effect.

The Muslim Council of Britain was not thrilled with the idea of police officers having a green light to shoot suspected suicide bombers. They are apparently worried that trigger-happy police may kill innocent Muslims by mistake. Perhaps they should think about persuading their fellow Muslims not to turn themselves into "personal demolition experts," and turn upon the radicals jeopardizing their culture instead of letting them rant unopposed.

In the meantime, the new rules of engagement outlined in Operation Kratos may be the last line of defense for British mass transit. One can only assume similar plans are in effect on this side of the Atlantic.

We'll know for certain once the ACLU sues to stop them.

Update: No wonder Muslims are upset!
According to al-Jazeera, the man British police shot was killed for merely trying to board a train.
(H/T: Bluto at The Jawa Report)

Further Update: The man who ran turns out to be a Brazilian electrician. The family of this man is, of course, threatening to sue. The British Police have not backed down from the right response.


Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 06:46 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 342 words, total size 3 kb.

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