January 20, 2006

Like Mike

It appears that the United States of the Perpetually Offended has a new victim this morning, as the lefties have their knickers in a twist over comments made by one of their own, former Jimmy Carter speechwriter and MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews.

When interviewing the Dumbest Man in the U.S. Senate™ Joe Biden, Matthews stated:

I mean, he [Bin Laden] sounds like an over-the-top Michael Moore here, if not a Michael Moore.

Predictably, various Crooks and Liars (click the link, they have the video) are upset with Matthews, including Peter Daou, who hyperventilates:

DEMAND AN APOLOGY: "Bin Laden sounds like Clint Eastwood" -- "Bin Laden sounds like Ron Silver" -- "Bin Laden sounds like Rush Limbaugh" -- "Bin Laden sounds like Bill O'Reilly"-- "Bin Laden sounds like Mel Gibson" -- "Bin Laden sounds like Bruce Willis" -- "Bin Laden sounds like Michelle Malkin"... Imagine the outrage on the right and in the press (but I repeat myself) if a major media figure spat out those words. Well, on Hardball, Chris Matthews just blurted out that Bin Laden sounds like Michael Moore. Simple: Matthews should apologize. On the air. This has NOTHING to do with Michael Moore and everything to do with how far media figures can go slandering the left.

Perhaps before getting all huffy, Daou should keep in mind a few facts: Eastwood never uttered, "Make my day, pull out of Iraq now," and it was your dear Mother Sheehan with her "absolute moral authority" that considered Iraq and Afghanistan "almost the same thing," advocating the same pull-out as bin Laden.

Nor has bin Laden quoted Silver or Limbaugh, because they support the war against terrorists, and they don't protest against U.S. soldiers while they recover from combat wounds like the fanatics of Code Pink.

Bruce Willis has million-dollar bounties on the heads of bin Laden, Zarqawi, and Zawahiri. How much does Babs have up? How about Tim and Susan?

Malkin also makes her position on terrorists clear, so I doubt you'll find that Osama is a big fan of hers, either.

But MikeyÂ… well, Mr. Moore is another story entirely.

Bin Laden pulled material from Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11 for one of his videotaped rants in 2004, a fact that Moore himself bragged about:

There he was, OBL, all tan and rested and on videotape (hey, did you get the feeling that he had a bootleg of my movie? Are there DVD players in those caves in Afghanistan?)

And Moore himself has suggested repeatedly that there were improper relationships between the Bush and the bin Laden families, a position the fringe left echoed repeatedly, directly and indirectly as recently as yesterday.

Lefists have no shame in associating Bush with bin Laden, but when a more logical association is made between the left and radical Islam's shared hatreds (Bush), shared goals (U.S. out of SW Asia), and shared rhetoric (Michael Moore's words), it seems to hit too close to home. Perhaps what liberals are really dealing with are their own issues of guilt-by-association.

Perhaps they should associate with a better class of people.

Update: Day by Day seems to concur.

Update 2: The defense rests. (h/t K-Lo)

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 09:48 AM | Comments (27) | Add Comment
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1 April 1 already? My the rhetoric is heating up. Television talking heads comparing a vocal critic of the administration with a mass murderer. Nice touch that. Folks like Malkin and Limbaugh and O'Reilly WOULD indeed be incensed being compared to Bin Laden. Yet their authoritarian bent, utopian vision and acute self righteousness are characteristics they share with the zealots in the Middle East.

Posted by: ArthurStone at January 20, 2006 10:15 AM (hGNke)

2 And yet, I see you have no problem with that same vocal critic alledging ties between that same mass murder and the adminstration. Thanks for proving my point.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at January 20, 2006 10:30 AM (g5Nba)

3 The really interesting similarities in what OBL said in his recent audio tape are so very apparent when comparing OBL's quotes and quotes from the Donkeys: Insurgents are winning the conflict in Iraq and [be] warned that security measures in the West and the United States cannot prevent attacks there. The idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong. The U.S. Army is broken, worn out, and living hand-to-mouth from fighting in Iraq. They may not be able to meet future military threats to this country's security. They're barely getting by. The first quote was from OBL. The other two are from so-called prominent Democrats. Looks like OBL is getting his talking points from the same source as Artie - the Democrats.

Posted by: Retired Spy at January 20, 2006 10:47 AM (OP00Y)

4 I by no means proved your point CY. Feeble as it was. Rather I confirmed your bias. Not the same thing. Likewise it isn't my fault the Bushes are friendly with so many Saudis including but certainly not limited to the Bin Laden clan.

Posted by: ArthurStone at January 20, 2006 02:41 PM (DEot0)

5 Elderly Soldier- With your heroes questioning the patriotism of ANYONE opposing this administrations policies it is precisely the time to call them what they are. Authoritarian zealots has a nice ring to it. Flip side of the radical Islamists.

Posted by: arthurStone at January 20, 2006 02:46 PM (DEot0)

6 Mr. Stone: I have no need to question your patriotism, since you have none. Folks like Code Pink are actually giving aid (money) to the enemy. I would call that a treasonous act. Have you given money to Code Pink, Mr. Stone?

Posted by: Former Marxist at January 20, 2006 04:50 PM (XLfe+)

7 Heard of them for the first time today.

Posted by: ArthurStone at January 20, 2006 06:00 PM (DEot0)

8 You just first heard of the Code Pink people today? Have you been in a 'spider hole' for the past six to nine months?

Posted by: Retired Spy at January 20, 2006 06:14 PM (OP00Y)

9 arthur, I'm not real sure there is any hope for you, fella; you trust no one in an administration that is bent on keeping your head attached to your body. They are also determined to make as difficult as possible for the radical Islamic terrorists to initiate another attack on our homeland. You're certainly entitled to your paranoia; you seem to wear it like a red badge of courage. At the rate the Democrats are going, though, you will probably be paranoid for many more years.

Posted by: Old Soldier at January 20, 2006 06:23 PM (owAN1)

10 RS- I only have so many hours in the day to cruise right-wing blogs and websites. For me it's only a hobby. For you guys it seems to be a way of life. Sorry. And OS- I'm not paranoid at all. Merely disagree with a number of administration policies. The paranoia is all yours. Shouting treason anytime one poses a question or two.

Posted by: ArthurStone at January 20, 2006 06:59 PM (DEot0)

11 There is a big difference between "posing a question or two" and making baseless accusations. Even you should realize that, Artie.

Posted by: Retired Spy at January 20, 2006 08:46 PM (OP00Y)

12 "The paranoia is all yours. Shouting treason anytime one poses a question or two." Okay, arthur, this was addressed to me specifically, so back it up!

Posted by: Old Soldier at January 20, 2006 09:10 PM (owAN1)

13 What bothers me about the Chris Matthews remark is that it's cheap, lazy, and intellectually sloppy. Sadly, that's pretty much the state of cable news "analysis" programs. There isn't a single element in these shows that is designed to actually advance a meaningful debate about any topic, and for good reason: that's not the objective of these programs. What is the objective of the programs? Well, your theory is as good as mine. For the viewers, though, these shows are not informative and not entertaining. They're incredibly repetitive because they feature the same roster of guests week in and week out who parrot their respective group's assigned talking points. Regardless of one's political leanings, you have to look at the format and at the hosts of these programs and wonder: this is the best that can be done?

Posted by: Grace Nearing at January 21, 2006 12:33 AM (Ffvoi)

14 Arthur, How could you miss the news the other week when Code Pink gave John "I'm a Veteran" Murtha the "Pink Badge of Courage" for his stand to pull the troops out now. BTW - I went and look up AL "I Took The Iniative" Gore. Sure enough, the guy deserves credit for proposing several key pieces of legislation to help fund research into the use of high speed networks. But, Clinton echoed the words, and what AL actually said was far from an explanation of what he thought he was saying. He said, "I took the initiative in creating the internet." That, for anyone hearing or reading the words does not sound like, "I proposed some key bills that enabled the internet research to move further in the interest of our country." Very different - shows sloppy thinking.

Posted by: Specter at January 21, 2006 12:47 PM (ybfXM)

15 Old Soldier- The Murtha/Benedict Arnold connection you forged somewhere here at CY is as good a place as any to begin a discussion of your view that dissent = treason.

Posted by: ArthurStone at January 21, 2006 05:11 PM (DEot0)

16 Specter- As I've posted before. There is only so much time in the day to deal with the breathless 'scoops' on right-wing blogs where the Murtha/Code Pink thing had a great many knickers in knots. The item isn't particular newsworthy elsewhere.

Posted by: ArthurStone at January 21, 2006 05:13 PM (DEot0)

17 Arthur, I seen to recall indicating that Arnold had fought honorably for the colonies during the revolutionary war prior to turning traitor. I do draw a parallel between Arnold's honorable service and Murhta's honorable service (although there have been some disparaging comments lately about Murtha's service) but I do not recall indicating I believe Murtha should be indicted for treason. I will state unequivocally that when his words are posted on al Jazeera that our enemy is probably taking aid from his remarks. My beef with Murtha and his compatriots is that although discussion is healthy, dissent is not; especially when we are at war with an enemy determined to destroy us. Determined unity of purpose is what we should be displaying to our enemy, not disunity. Right wrong or indifferent, George W. Bush is the Commander in Chief and he solely is responsible to lead this country in this war. If you and others don't like that, come up with some viable ideas that will put your party in the White House again, or sponsor an amendment to change the constitution.

Posted by: Old Soldier at January 21, 2006 05:40 PM (owAN1)

18 Stoned, You know, your arguments cause me to laugh constantly. Because you haven't seen it, it isn't true. Because places like the NYT don't cover it, it isn't true.But, just because your favorite, quickly sinking and soon to be extinct, new outlet didn't cover it, other places did. Not only blogs, but also at least one paper. Check this: Murtha's new allies

Posted by: Specter at January 21, 2006 08:43 PM (ybfXM)

19 Oh my God this blog is a riot! For my first salvo, let's look at old soldier's comment. "My beef with Murtha and his compatriots is that although discussion is healthy, dissent is not; especially when we are at war with an enemy determined to destroy us. Determined unity of purpose is what we should be displaying to our enemy, not disunity." So if discussion is healthy and dissent is not healthy, then what is there to discuss? How great the food is in Iraq, how Condi is such a dish in that very flattering haircut, how George Bush is the greatest leader of all time? No dissent, which means disagreement, so this is obviously what you are looking for? Not much of a democracy, huh? Retired Spy, you quoted this statement- "The U.S. Army is broken, worn out, and living hand-to-mouth from fighting in Iraq. They may not be able to meet future military threats to this country's security. They're barely getting by." I know that I have not had first hand experience in Iraq, and as I certainly respect those young men and women who are serving their country, no matter what hairbrained scheme it sends them on in whatever bass ackward country it sends them to, I can say for some certainty that their conditions are less than what are written about in the MSM. And while this quote may seem like a lot of crap to some people, and just a pile of rhetoric to many of you, ask a few soldiers who are there what the hell is going on. I work in the great state of Washington, and where I work we have quite a few soldiers from Ft Lewis come down to just relax and hang out. Since the start of the war, I don't know how many young men and women have gave me the look, that thousand mile stare. And I have been fortunate that I have had the chance to speak to many of these young men, and they usually stop before they get out what they really thought of Iraq and what went on, but a few have not, and you get an eye opener. I got to hear from a soldier's mouth what it sounds like when an IED went off less than 20 yards from where he was standing.The fact of the matter is that Rumsfeld and Co. couldn't have cared less when he made the statement with "You go to war with the army you have". Sounds like the same words that came from a little Austrian tramp to his generals in the last century, don't they? So, you all can go on and on and blow your butt trumpets till the cows come home about how great we are, and how discenters are unpatriotic. My family has given an officer to EVERY war that this country has fought, and I personally am considering going ROTC to serve my country(I am a junior in college), with the possibliity of service in the middle east. I believe in national service, but not national servatitude, especailly to a liar. And if you cannot understand the difference, there is a serious problem.

Posted by: sputnik at January 21, 2006 08:49 PM (DaIFo)

20 sputnick, First off....I've spoken with many soldiers who served in Iraq, and my son is off to boot camp soon. Maybe before you toot your own horn you should visit several of the blogs from active service people and/or their families. And maybe you should read some of the articles published by honest journalists embedded with the troops to get the real story. Finally - remember this - Cindy Sheehan's son volunteered to go back to Iraq. Now why would he do that if conditions were so bad, if the cause was so unworthy? I know dozens of men and women who have been there once and volunteered to go back. If what you say is true, why would they? BTW - your nickname says it all...

Posted by: Specter at January 21, 2006 08:56 PM (ybfXM)

21 You write, Spaceman: "I got to hear from a soldier's mouth what it sounds like when an IED went off less than 20 yards from where he was standing.The fact of the matter is that Rumsfeld and Co. couldn't have cared less when he made the statement with "You go to war with the army you have". Sounds like the same words that came from a little Austrian tramp to his generals in the last century, don't they?" Gee, Spaceman, you talked with ONE soldier who had been in Iraq? How impressive is that? What sort of body armor would have protected anyone from an IED? These things are made from artillery shells. Evened armored vehicles cannot withstand that sort of blast. You don't know much about warfare and military ordinance, do you? The oblique reference to Hitler was a nice touch. Shows your level of intellect. And, lest we forget, you had to imply that Bush is a liar too. And you wonder why no one chooses to engage in debate with you? You are just a damn fool and a waste of time!

Posted by: Retired Spy at January 21, 2006 09:29 PM (BRgB4)

22 Sputnik, I'll forgive your youth, but not your arrogance and insolence. If you feel that the war is only because of a lying megalomaniacal out of control president, then my advice is to let your family contribution to the military end with your father. Remember, you are about to swear an oath that will place you under his command. If you cannot separate politics from mission, you would best be advised to not enter service. Should you actually take that oath and join the military, you will soon learn what dissent can do to an organization, a mission, an enemyÂ’s resolve to continue the fight, and the nation as a whole. Once youÂ’ve learned that lesson, you come back and lecture me about dissent and the food in Iraq or CondiÂ’s haircut. Now if you would like to round out the message that comes back from Iraq, go visit Walter Reid and talk to the wounded. Talk to the kids with prosthetic legs that want to go back to Iraq; the kids missing an eye or arm that want to go back to complete the mission. Then you balance what youÂ’ve heard some REFMs whine about and what the real heroes have to say. IÂ’ve been in two shooting wars and another shooting conflict during my 31 years active duty in the U.S. Army, so donÂ’t be so quick to marginalize my thoughts and statements.

Posted by: Old Soldier at January 21, 2006 10:19 PM (owAN1)

23 I'd like to pose a question to all the lefty trolls spamming this site: Who would you rather see win the current war on terror, in Iraq? The United States, or the assorted teror organizations arrayed against it? Please don't waste everyone's time asking for more definitions, asking if dissent "improves" the process, etc. Whose side are you on? Ours? Or theirs? A related question: When Iran completes development of a nuclear bomb, will they make it available to the "freedom fighters" currently waging war against the West?

Posted by: trentk269 at January 22, 2006 01:51 AM (AduKl)

24 Who would you rather see win the current war on terror, in Iraq? Define your terms. As the old drinker Flann O'Brien said, your argument is fallacious, being based on licensed premises. Please don't waste everyone's time asking for more definitions, asking if dissent "improves" the process, etc. Lalala. When did you stop beating your wife? Try asking less dumb questions. What would I like to see? A stable, multi-denominational and multi-ethnic democracy in Iraq; the domestic insurgents gradually brought into the political process, and encouraged through national pride to drive out the small number of non-Iraqis. I would also like to be on a yacht with several nubile models right now. What's your plan to get there? No, be specific. When Iran completes development of a nuclear bomb, will they make it available to the "freedom fighters" currently waging war against the West? You beg the question. Right now, sans bomb, Iran could ensure that the US is driven out of Iraq. It has many more effective weapons already at its disposal.

Posted by: ahem at January 22, 2006 02:43 AM (0BZdf)

25 Another Gadfly Troll in our midst ... Do you have some specific policy or alternative course of action in the war on terrorism that you wish to share. Can you even articulate such a course(s)? Or do you just think you're too cute to require an original thought process? Any moron can ask questions. The gifted offer solutions.

Posted by: Retired Spy at January 22, 2006 08:17 AM (BRgB4)

26 Ahem, I thought about using your O'Brien quote until I reread you comment. I found your arguments to be based upon feeling and emotion, rather than "premises." It was nice of you to stop by, though, to remind us why it is so important for grownups to control the government. We shall work just a little harder this election cycle, just for you.

Posted by: Old Soldier at January 22, 2006 09:39 AM (owAN1)

27 ahem, What would I like to see? A stable, multi-denominational and multi-ethnic democracy in Iraq; the domestic insurgents gradually brought into the political process, and encouraged through national pride to drive out the small number of non-Iraqis. Great - what is your plan for getting there? Oh...don't bother I know. I'll enumerate it for you: 1) Support Murtha for reelection 2) Give groups like Code Pink lots of money to send to the "freedom fighters" 3) Get our troops out now. 4) Have Kerry join the Kos Kooky Kidz to show how mainstream the left really is 5) Come up with yet another "scandal" (I mean it's already January 22 and no new scandal from the left yet this year - and that after a record year last year....get movin guys you're losing your momentum) 6) Help Splash get off the bottle, find him a club that doesn't discriminate, and give him the keys to lost of fast cars and innocent women 7) Get the troops out now (added for emphasis) Don't use every means available to fight the war on terrorism (instead alienate the centrists in your own party and drive them to the right - good, sound strategy) 9) Doctor as many pictures as possible and make up as many fabrications and spins to make it look like there has been no progress in Iraq 10) Chip in a few bucks to help the NYT make money again 11) Start establishing legal defense funds for Reid, Dorgan, and those poor, defenseless terrorists 12) Cut and run and leave the Iraqi's defensless and finally 13) Pull the blanket over our eyes and hope nobody comes looking to hurt our own country - killing innocent men, women and children. Oh yeah I forgot to mention turn our backs to Iran's president who point blank said that he wants to wipe Israel off the map. What is that you say, ahem? You say that isn't the left's? (oh....I'm being prejudicial by saying that four-letter-word "left" - Maybe I should use "progressives". Naw....snort....that makes it sound like they have a plan) Would you care to tell us all about the "real plan"? Because all we see is the crap above. And you say the right has no plan....Get a grip. Geez...this is fun. I could hav made the left's plan at least a few hundred items longer...but it is such a "winner" with just this much.

Posted by: Specter at January 22, 2006 09:51 AM (ybfXM)

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