November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving "Humor"

Allowing this bile to be published on her site tells me a bit about the character of Arianna Huffington.

To be fair, though, I'm fairly sure she'd allow the same comments to be uttered about Joe Lieberman.

That's bipartisanship.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at 10:12 AM | Comments (70) | Add Comment
Post contains 43 words, total size 1 kb.

1 Would it be bile if someone said that about Murtha? Who prayed for Murtha's death? I just want him out of congress, not dead.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at November 24, 2006 01:09 PM (wfN0Q)

2 Earl .... Once again, you even outdo the lunacy you have exhibited in past writings. Too much turkey yesterday and all the fatty gravies to clog the arteries and prevent the free flow of blood and oxygen to the brain? No one I know - surely not CY - has EVER as much as implied that Murtha or anyone else from your far-left campgrounds should be dead just because of political differences. Are you familiar with psychological projection? It appears that you actually are in favor of what the loon wrote at Huff and Puff .... The loons from the Left are so predictable ...

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 24, 2006 02:23 PM (Xw2ki)

3 Avenger and Spy, two of my favorites! How's the war going boys? Maybe next week we'll turn the corner, no? It's cute when you take the high road like that, but you know perfectly well neither of you would make a peep if Malkin or Instapundit or CY or Captain Ed or whoever made a Thanksgiving prayer with a quasi-humorous wish that Murtha died.

Posted by: Earl at November 24, 2006 07:28 PM (yXuTl)

4 Earl, you are without a doubt one of the most disgusting trolls that I've ever had the misfortune of witnessing, on here, or any other site. You actually gloat over the deaths of civilians. Can you even fathom how broken you are to gloat that such horrors have been visited upon another human being? I cannot imagine the inner reserves of spite and abject hatred you harbor in your soul, and I am so thankful that I could never be anything like you. None of the bloggers you mentioned would wish death on Murtha, or any other Democrat. We simply don't think that that, Earl, and perhaps it shouldn't surprise me that you can't see that. How sad...

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at November 24, 2006 07:49 PM (HcgFD)

5 Oh how awful for the Left - and even more awful for the rest of us. I used to sometimes go look in on the Leftards, but it's just too horrible now. I would no more go to the Huffington Compost again than I would convert to Islam. Keep writing, Yank, in times like these decent voices are more important than ever. Kol Tuv 6PO

Posted by: 6PointsOut at November 24, 2006 07:57 PM (Gzg6J)

6 Earl is hopelessly lost in the fever swamps.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at November 24, 2006 08:32 PM (wfN0Q)

7 I'm not a fan of this kind of rhetoric, but let's get the record straight. Coulter did indeed say that Murtha should be killed, and she suggested that our troops should do it. Back in June, during an interview on the "Right Wing News" site, Coulter described Murtha as "the reason soldiers invented 'fragging.'" That's pretty straightforward. This crap spews from both sides. It's disingenuous to pretend it doesn't.

Posted by: Doc Washboard at November 24, 2006 09:25 PM (20d7j)

8 But Doc, How bout we have a pissing match on this. You can make one quote from June was it? I bet I can find 10 since then from the left. But it would be just that - a pissing match. I think CY's point about Earl gloating over civilian deaths is even more poignant. Simply because it is true. Earl - do you live in the US or any of the 40 countries associated with our coalition? If so - it is your war too - little boy. Sad, sad, little boy. Time to up the meds again Earl....

Posted by: Specter at November 24, 2006 10:27 PM (ybfXM)

9 Crusty, Rather than rely on CNN for all your news about Iraq (kinda like depending on LA Times for the news about the airstrike that wasn't, right?) try looking around a little. Here is a good site.

Posted by: Specter at November 24, 2006 10:33 PM (ybfXM)

10 Oh - Doc - BTW - Not a whole lot of people are fans of Coulter either. I am sure not. She is way to brash and extreme-right. But you knew that. Arianna is the same - but far left. Don't worry though - I'm sure the real story will come out - in 24-business hours. LOL

Posted by: Specter at November 24, 2006 10:35 PM (ybfXM)

11 CY: "You actually gloat over the deaths of civilians." The delusional paranoia so prevalent in Clown World is doing the talking here. You all wanted this war, remember? Not me. I wish the Iraqis well, but I didn't feel responsible for Saddam. I do feel responsible for thousands of civilian deaths. You all felt that this would be a cakewalk, and that we'd be greeted as liberators, and that we would uncover WMD. I felt this was going to be a disaster, and I intend to remind you of this every time the civil war in Iraq flares up. Specter: I never look at CNN, just follow links there. I guess they just made that up, huh? That darn MSM! That you should recommend the Centcom site to me is amusing. I guess the military is the most unbiased news resource on the war out there. Now why didn't I think of that? DO NOT take this as anti-military. My point is just that it's naive to expect unbiased war news from the military. The jig's up, boys. You Clown World denizens can keep blaming Clinton and Kerry, but here on planet earth W's going to get his comeuppance. He's never learned a trade, accomplished a thing, or taken responsibility for anything in his life, so I'm going to enjoy this one to the hilt.

Posted by: Earl at November 25, 2006 12:34 AM (yXuTl)

12 So, if HuffPo had to run on someones maiden name and without any divorce dollars...would it still be there? The cleverness of spending other people's money with someone elses name is profound.

Posted by: George Dixon at November 25, 2006 08:46 AM (COB3g)

13 He's never learned a trade Can you fly a jet fighter Earl? There's a certain amount of skill involved in that I've been told. Looks complicated and dangerous...more so than flinging feces from a keyboard I would suspect.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at November 25, 2006 12:50 PM (1WIsD)

14 Purple - oh baby. Agreed, he got great reviews as a fighter pilot at first, no doubt about it. What you're leaving out is that after the US spent a million on his training, something happened, we don't know what. He skipped a physical, which fighter pilots don't do, got grounded, and never flew again. He transferred to mail detail in Alabama, where no one saw him, and left that early to go the Harvard Business School. So the Air National Guard is yet another story of W failing. That's the story of his life. He's everything I don't like about the Republican party, and none of the good things about it: personal initiative, responsibility and so on. Why you guys wanted him I'll never understand.

Posted by: Earl at November 25, 2006 01:01 PM (yXuTl)

15 Earl has some serious BDS to deal with. I suppose a Hamburger University grad like Earl would be jealous of W's Harvard MBA. Flip those burgers Earl! Whateve one thinks of Anne Coulter, she earned her money. Arriana is a cheesey golddigger who married hers. Is Earl a girl? Earl is certainly a squirrel.

Posted by: Mark at November 25, 2006 02:20 PM (isTfo)

16 Mark -- your feeble rebuttal speaks volumes my friend. When you don't have any facts, find something that rhymes with the poster's name. CY'ers in general -- I wonder who said this? Probably some leftist pinko: "The time for more U.S. troops in Iraq has passed. We do not have more troops to send and, even if we did, they would not bring a resolution to Iraq. Militaries are built to fight and win wars, not bind together failing nations. We are once again learning a very hard lesson in foreign affairs: America cannot impose a democracy on any nation — regardless of our noble purpose. "We have misunderstood, misread, misplanned and mismanaged our honorable intentions in Iraq with an arrogant self-delusion reminiscent of Vietnam. Honorable intentions are not policies and plans. Iraq belongs to the 25 million Iraqis who live there…. The United States must begin planning for a phased troop withdrawal from Iraq.

Posted by: Earl at November 25, 2006 02:37 PM (yXuTl)

17 You didn't answer my question Earl. What are you avoiding? Can you fly a fighter or not?

Posted by: Purple Avenger at November 25, 2006 04:37 PM (1WIsD)

18 What an idiot you are, Jack Off Hoyt. Where did you come up with that accusation about CY or anyone else here in favor of slavery? Did that come up with the rest of the barf you spewed after eating too much turkey and gravy?

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 25, 2006 06:11 PM (Xw2ki)

19 Purple -- do you have any idea how much of a clown you are? "You can't fly a fighter jet? Huh? Can you? Huh?" Whether I can fly a jet proves nothing about Bush. I said he got good reviews at first, and that's true. It's also true that he stopped for reasons we aren't privy to and slinked off, just like in the oil business. I don't call that learning a trade, but maybe there in Clown World it qualifies. It almost seems mean to debate with you, you're such a halfwit.

Posted by: Earl at November 25, 2006 06:56 PM (yXuTl)

20 Purple Avenger: The runway at Mickey D's is too short for Earl to land. Oh, and don't tell him Bush was senior management, or CEO, in several oil companies.

Posted by: Mark at November 25, 2006 07:51 PM (isTfo)

21 Whether I can fly a jet proves nothing about Bush. I think it would prove you had the "moral authority" to comment if you did. Since you're apparently not a pilot, you would seem unqualified to comment on whatever it takes to become one.

Posted by: Purple Avenger at November 25, 2006 08:34 PM (1WIsD)

22 CY: I guess I missed something. I read over Earl's posts, but I didn't see any gloating over civilian deaths. Did that happen in some other thread?

Posted by: Doc Washboard at November 25, 2006 09:42 PM (QA0cI)

23 Earl has to become a real man before he could ever become a pilot as good as Bush, or a business executive or a governor or a President of the United States. Earl is a failure and projects that failure on others to make himself feel good about himself. In that, too, he has failed miserably.

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 25, 2006 10:46 PM (Xw2ki)

24 To all my brothers and sisters on the right and you fine folks in the middle, why would we want Mr. Murtha dead??? He is so very valuable out there representing the loud mouth left. His impeccable past (joke), his intelligent dribble, his betrayal of our beloved Marine Corp by standing for CUT AND RUN, I bet he will vote yes for a draft even though the originator will vote against his own bill just like before. These types are buffoons to be laughed at, so please don't let them off the hook. Now they need a plan and have govern or be pushed back into the snake hole of history for twelve more years.

Posted by: VerbalVigilante at November 25, 2006 11:23 PM (0Co69)

25 Earl... he has an MBA.. He actually flew those planes and was on the list to go to Nam and was not called....His grades at Yale were better than The D student he opposed in 'O4... Oh yeah.. he was also never shot in the tail with a grain of rice from his own ill thrown hand grenade... shall we go on.. time out ... our opponent needs a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to keep his verbal skills up so he won't blow any more jokes and insult the troops whose admiration for the President proves his worth to all who understand what is important.

Posted by: VerbalVigilante at November 25, 2006 11:36 PM (0Co69)

26 Retired Spy: "Earl has to become a real man before he could ever become a pilot as good as Bush, or a business executive or a governor or a President of the United States." So in Clown World, a good pilot can slink off from a Guard obligation and a good business executive can trash two companies. Got it. His record in politics is consistent with everything else in his life, he's no damn good at much of anything. He wouldn't have gotten into the Guard, or HBS, or executive of two companies or politics were it not for his name. He's utterly mediocre. "Earl is a failure and projects that failure on others to make himself feel good about himself. In that, too, he has failed miserably." Clearly you are very wise to know these things. Tell me, when will we turn the corner in Iraq? Next week? Next month? Or wait, you guys haven't dragged out this old chestnut in awhile -- maybe the war is going really, really well, only those rascals in the MSM won't report the good things. Is that it?

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 02:15 AM (yXuTl)

27 Doc Washboard: "I read over Earl's posts, but I didn't see any gloating over civilian deaths. Did that happen in some other thread?" I've never gloated about the death of Iraqis, here or anywhere else.

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 02:26 AM (yXuTl)

28 Purple -- yes or no, does taking a million taxpayer dollars to train as a pilot and then skipping a physical and getting grounded for, what, half your time make you a successful Guard pilot? Simply paying taxes qualifies me to answer that question. It's touching how the Clown Worlders try to defend W. His grades were better than Kerry's! How about that? You're not a pilot so you're not qualified to judge him! How about that? He was an executive! How about that? He was a drunk for decades! How about that? He used cocaine and got arrested! How about that? He says he's born again, but he's too good to go to church! How about that? He was a cheerleader in college! How about that? Clown World would never, ever, ever shut up about it if a Dem candidate didn't go to church. W's just a little bit better than us though, so he doesn't need to. Clinton 'didn't inhale', and we heard about that over and over and over, but W's cocaine was before he was reborn, so we're not even allowed to find out what is the deal. Clown World doesn't want the most qualified man for the job, Clown World wants some kind of king. That's all it comes down to with W -- his 'moral compass'. That may float your boat in Clown World, but here on earth, accomplishments matter. It's a shame that the Repubs have thrown down this mantle. It was an important contribution to our society. The same goes for fiscal prudence. It's shocking how sheerly wrong Clown World has been about everything for six long years. But the jig's up now boys. Leahy, Waxman, Reed, Pelosi, and others are going to get some accountability. The Boy King has owned up once already when he fired Rumsfeld, but that's just the beginning.

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 02:41 AM (yXuTl)

29 He was a drunk for decades!... *cough* Ted Kennedy *cough*

Posted by: Purple Avenger at November 26, 2006 03:42 AM (1WIsD)

30 Notice how Earl is becoming more and more desperate and more and more defensive with the passage of each day? Yup! Sign of the times. He has no workable solutions for anything. He can only cry and whine and repeat that idiotic expression, "the jig is up." Why not some solutions? That requires intellect and talent and imagination and vision. On the subject of drunkenness, it appears that Earl remains intoxicated on some drunken binge of his own narcissistic personality disorder that just keeps him marginally above the rim of the tank. I wonder how soon this Troll of Trolls will sink into oblivion, drowning in the empty fluids of his own self-delusional perceptions of self.

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 26, 2006 08:31 AM (Xw2ki)

31 Furthermore, Earl's narcissism is feeding itself as people actually waste their time communicating with this nut. He is actually believing his own perceptions of his importance - despite daily reminders of his repeated failures in life's journey. It's a defense mechanism. It works for him as long as he continues to believe his own lies to himself, ignoring reality.

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 26, 2006 08:38 AM (Xw2ki)

32 I think one of the problems here is one of focus. Kerry's name comes up here again and again--VerbalVigilante even calls him "our opponent"--but the fact of the matter is that Kerry isn't anyone's opponent. He's not running for anything. He lost in '04, and here we are a few weeks away from '07. It's time to move on--the Right seems to be fighting the last war. Kerry's not the president of the United States. Ted Kennedy may very well be a lifelong drunk--I don't know--but he isn't the president. I may be wrong, but I think that Earl is writing about the character and decisions of the sitting POTUS. In that context, Kerry and Kennedy aren't even worth mentioning. I don't know Earl at all--he might be a vile monster or a beatific saint--but he's not currently the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. His abilities and his past are not the issue here, and neither are the abilities or past of the other people who post here. It might be more productive if we were all to keep the focus on the guy who actually has his finger on The Button right now.

Posted by: Doc Washboard at November 26, 2006 09:55 AM (X3KVz)

33 OK, Washboard ... How about this? The original subject was the sick humor expressed by a loser in the pages of the Huffington Post, longing for Vice President Richard Cheney to have a fatal heart attack. What does that have to do with all the nonsense and vile anti-EVERYONE hatred expressed by Earl? Stay on task. The fact that Bush has his finger on The Button has nothing at all to do with the HuffPo article.

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 26, 2006 11:20 AM (Xw2ki)

34 I guess that you've underscored my point, Retired Spy. Why do you care what Earl says? How does his opinion affect the national debate? Does his wanting Cheney to keel over actually make Cheney keel over? In short, is Earl worth bothering with? (No offense intended, Earl, of course.)

Posted by: Doc Washboard at November 26, 2006 11:57 AM (X3KVz)

35 So why do YOU also buy into this nonsense? Are you as filled with a mental vacuum as Earl? Why do you tell us we should keep focus on the guy whose finger is on The Button? The original subject was not Bush at all. Just trying to get out all that hate at every opportunity? Intellectual bankruptcy? Loss of FOCUS? Do you or Earl or anyone pointing the accusatory fingers have actual solutions? Then tell the newly anointed Democrat saviors in the House and Senate. They need some new ideas. Haven't seen any there yet - just some in-fighting.

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 26, 2006 12:13 PM (Xw2ki)

36 I'm looking back over what I've written, and I'm not finding any examples of hate that I've posted. It'd be great if you could point them out to me so I can tone down my rhetoric. Also: I'm not sure what nonsense you think it is I'm buying into. I thought that the president was more important to the direction of the nation than Earl. Again, maybe I'm wrong.

Posted by: Doc Washboard at November 26, 2006 12:19 PM (X3KVz)

37 Purple -- "He was a drunk for decades!... *cough* Ted Kennedy *cough*" My word you are dense. What is that supposed to prove? Kennedy is/was a drunk, therefore it's OK that Bush was too? Sheesh.

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 01:24 PM (yXuTl)

38 Retired Spy -- "Notice how Earl is becoming more and more desperate and more and more defensive with the passage of each day? Yup! Sign of the times." Oh that's rich. You're one of the elite 1% who thinks that Iraq is improving, and I'm fighting reality. Here are those rascals at the MSM making things up again: Will we turn the corner next month, Spy? Is the next six months the crucial period? Or is the jig up? "He has no workable solutions for anything. He can only cry and whine and repeat that idiotic expression, 'the jig is up.' Why not some solutions? That requires intellect and talent and imagination and vision." I wish I had a solution. The choices I see are phased withdrawal on our terms, or getting kicked out. What's your solution? Democracy at the barrel of a gun? Loser. "On the subject of drunkenness, it appears that Earl remains intoxicated on some drunken binge of his own narcissistic personality disorder that just keeps him marginally above the rim of the tank." It's cute when you try to be literary. I like your endless, bizarre theories to explain how anyone could disagree with your perfect, necessary war. "I wonder how soon this Troll of Trolls will sink into oblivion, drowning in the empty fluids of his own self-delusional perceptions of self." More toney literary conceits! Double A++! This alone is worth sticking around for. Also I seem never to tire of rubbing your face in your incompetent president and disastrous war. It's cool too to watch your reaction to the GOP becoming the white Southerner's party. How do you like that, by the way?

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 01:37 PM (yXuTl)

39 therefore it's OK that Bush was too? Operative word: "WAS".

Posted by: Purple Avenger at November 26, 2006 01:37 PM (1WIsD)

40 Purple -- Ah, so this is your point: "What's his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?" --Ronald Reagan Jr. Got it.

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 01:40 PM (yXuTl)

41 Whoops, lost my 'MSM rascals' link above in my post to Retired Spy. Here it is.,,176-2472223,00.html

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 01:45 PM (yXuTl)

42 You, Washboard, seem to be as clueless as Earl. Earl has no importance at all. The president has importance, but his position in world politics has nothing, whatsoever, to do with a Cheney heart attack being wished upon him by a HuffPo hack journalist. Pay attention, now ... I'll even bold the question so you don't miss it this time. Do you or Earl or anyone pointing the accusatory fingers have actual solutions? Then tell the newly anointed Democrat saviors in the House and Senate. They need some new ideas. Haven't seen any there yet - just some in-fighting. As for the loonie one's references to drunkenness, Kennedy is now, and has been for decades, a DRUNK and a womanizer. George W. Bush gave up booze decades ago - long before taking on the responsibilities as Governor of Texas and President of the United States. His Air National Guard duty and leftie rumors surrounding his alleged AWOL status then also have nothing to do with what his responsibilities are now. So ... once again ... where are YOUR solutions?????

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 26, 2006 01:50 PM (Xw2ki)

43 What, Earl? No intellectually vacuous comebacks? Go back to your meds and therapy. You are on the cutting edge of oblivion.

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 26, 2006 01:56 PM (Xw2ki)

44 I have more important things to accomplish this afternoon. Unlike the little Trolls from the left, I have a real life. Go ahead and whine ad nauseam. It's accomplished nothing so far, and it is doubtful it ever will.

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 26, 2006 02:00 PM (Xw2ki)

45 Well, Retired Spy, I don't have solutions to this problem, and I never said I did. Note that I'm not the commander-in-chief; it's not my job to come up with solutions. Not being able to come up with a solution doesn't preclude being able to see that a problem exists. You don't have to be able to drive to see that the car you're in is about to go off a cliff; you just have to have your eyes open. Just because one is not a doctor doesn't mean that one can't see that a friend is sick. I understand that you're upset that this shmoe on the Huffington Post has wished Cheney ill. I understand that you want to spend a lot of time writing about it and slapfighting Earl. Don't we have bigger fish to fry, though? In the end, who really cares about this guy? Is obsessing about this guy going to make the world a better place? I'm guessing not. Let's not sweat the inconsequential stuff. I say the car's going off the cliff; I'm guessing you say it isn't. I see a country full of death and destruction that we brought about by our invasion, and you see something else. Tell me about what you see. Why do you think that our visions are so divergent? Is Bush really the guy we want at the wheel right now?

Posted by: Doc Washboard at November 26, 2006 02:06 PM (X3KVz)

46 Earl is big on quotes (and saying in 100 words theat which may be said in ten). He squirrels them away for the winter to feed his dementia and as troll-ammo. I like quotes, too. Let's look at some of our prominent Democreep's positions on Iraq. Earl, let's play the "Who Said It?" game.

Posted by: Mark at November 26, 2006 02:06 PM (isTfo)

47 Spy -- "Do you or Earl or anyone pointing the accusatory fingers have actual solutions? Then tell the newly anointed Democrat saviors in the House and Senate. They need some new ideas. Haven't seen any there yet - just some in-fighting." I already said, I haven't a clue about what to do in Iraq. W's plan is to "stay the course" -- or has it never been "stay the course"? Anyway he's going to leave it to his successor. So the shoe fits you pretty well too. "George W. Bush gave up booze decades ago - long before taking on the responsibilities as Governor of Texas and President of the United States. His Air National Guard duty and leftie rumors surrounding his alleged AWOL status then also have nothing to do with what his responsibilities are now." That is only in Clown World, where 'moral compass' is the primary job qualification. Here on Earth we care about what we call 'experience' and 'qualifications'. We see drunk, drug addict, playboy, arrest record, Christian who doesn't go to church, unskilled, poor servicemen, twice failed executive, and we think, "Bad!" I'd say it's all a matter of opinion, but it's not. You're just wrong. And, yes, the jig's up, Spy.

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 06:16 PM (yXuTl)

48 "Well, Retired Spy, I don't have solutions to this problem, and I never said I did. Note that I'm not the commander-in-chief; it's not my job to come up with solutions." Now that is what I do call an inconvenient truth, isn't it? It's not your job to have some ideas? It is not your job to be an involved American? It is only your job to constantly criticize? Is it not your job to choose those who govern. Do you do that without forethought? Just a shot in the dark? Too complex to actually get involved in the process? I just loved those lame analogies. I really liked the car one and approaching the edge of a cliff. So, if you don't know how to drive you don't even grab for the steering wheel? So, if your friend is sick and you're not a Doctor, you don't at the very least take him/her to the Doctor's office? You just sit on your ass and make observations? What a fine guy you are ....

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 26, 2006 06:22 PM (Xw2ki)

49 Mark -- "He squirrels them away for the winter to feed his dementia and as troll-ammo." That's actually pretty funny, I tip my hat to you. The page of quotes you provided is not even a fig leaf. Whether or not some Dems thought military force was a good idea, this war is the fault of W. There's no debate on this point. (Maybe in Clown World your sources show that Clinton started the war, but whatever.) Here on Earth, everybody knows it was W. W conceived it, lied for it, failed to realize it would turn into an occupation, thought it would be a cakewalk, thought we'd be greeted as liberators, thought Saddam had WMD, thought it was a good idea to fire the Iraqi army, etc etc etc. W W W W W. No if's and's or but's. It's charming how you guys stick up for him -- he's just the little ol' president, and he got lied to by Tenet and Blair, those meanies. But here on Earth, the president is responsible. I thought you repubs were good about personal resposibility, by the way? The jig's up, Mark.

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 06:25 PM (yXuTl)

50 Please elucidate on those accusations you list again. Where is the documented evidence to support your claims of "drunk, drug addict, playboy, arrest record, Christian who doesn't go to church, unskilled, poor servicemen (SIC), twice failed executive", Earl? Ya been reading those checkout counter tabloids again?

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 26, 2006 06:29 PM (Xw2ki)

51 Spy -- what church does he go to? Dollars to doughnuts you can't tell me. You know he was a drunk playboy. That's not even in doubt. He doesn't deny that or cocaine use, he just won't talk about it, and unlike Dems, he doesn't have to answer those questions. I described his 'service' in the Guard. He skipped a physical and got grounded, switched to mail detail in Alabama where no one saw him, left that early for HBS. That is a poor serviceman. Go look up a stock quote for 'Arbusto'. Really, what church does he go to? Has the cat got your tongue?

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 06:38 PM (yXuTl)

52 Sorry, Earl .... You're still a pathetic little wannabe pussy....

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 26, 2006 06:40 PM (Xw2ki)

53 Spy -- what church does he go to Earl? Just google for it. Should only take you a minute or two. You're not going to let a wannabe pussy like me get away with calling the Great Leader of Clown World a hypocrite, are you?

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 06:44 PM (yXuTl)

54 The jig's up, Spy.

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 06:49 PM (yXuTl)

55 If you are so damn stupid to believe that a person's choice of religion or the church most frequently attended is a measure of the man or the man's character, you are really grasping for straws. It looks like your jig is up. It's time for CY to pull the plug on you, but that's his call.

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 26, 2006 06:49 PM (Xw2ki)

56 Bush is a Methodist. I am a Lutheran who became a Catholic nut now attend a Congregational Church. Who the hell cares? I used to drink and smoke too. That did not stop me from being successful or from sharing with those less fortunate. The past has passed, and hopefully we all learn from both successes and failures. What have you learned, Earl? It looks like you are still pretty low on the learning curve .....

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 26, 2006 06:59 PM (Xw2ki)

57 You're changing the subject. You challenged my assertion that he's a Christian who doesn't go to church. What's the name of the church? Or do you cede the point? Loser.

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 07:16 PM (yXuTl)

58 Retired Spy, why do you get so frothingly angry at everything? It seems that it's not possible to calmly discuss anything with you--every interaction needs to turn into namecalling and chestbeating. To extend the car/cliff metaphor: I guess I did try to take the wheel. That's what the midterm elections were about. Millions of Americans all tried to take the wheel out of Bush's hands. Unfortunately, nobody gets to climb into the driver's seat until January 20, 2009, but people can do the bast they can do until then. The plan? Drive away from the cliff. That's why so many Progressives are calling for some form of troop drawdown. The details differ, but the basic idea is to do the opposite of what is not now working.

Posted by: Doc Washboard at November 26, 2006 07:30 PM (X3KVz)

59 That is to say, the "best" they can.

Posted by: Doc Washboard at November 26, 2006 07:33 PM (X3KVz)

60 Huffington: Allow me to enlarge somewhat O Lord upon this particular thanks. Despite six years of suppurating drivel from his catamites about leadership and inner strength and Christian fortitude and courage under fire: George W Bush is, was and always will be that sneering, leering little creep who came to school in a chauffeur-driven car, yelled racist epithets at the scholarship kids, tripped up the guy on crutches, stuck his paw up the dress of any girl he pleased, had his toadies beat up anyone smart or weak or different, insulted teachers to their faces - and got away with it all, because his Dad had just endowed the new sports stadium. Earl: That is only in Clown World, where 'moral compass' is the primary job qualification. Here on Earth we care about what we call 'experience' and 'qualifications'. We see drunk, drug addict, playboy, arrest record, Christian who doesn't go to church, unskilled, poor servicemen, twice failed executive, and we think, "Bad!" I'd say it's all a matter of opinion, but it's not. You're just wrong. Earl is doing his best to validate the disgust CY expressed about the posting at Huffington - at least, he doesn't sound much different.

Posted by: SouthernRoots at November 26, 2006 07:57 PM (RkTnk)

61 SouthernRoots -- I can't speak for Huffington. I'll be more impressed if you can prove I'm wrong. I'm sorry that facts are such a downer there in Clown World.

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 08:07 PM (yXuTl)

62 Spy? Where are you friend? Have you found the name of W's church yet? You challenged me on it then said it's not important anyway. You're not a sore loser are you? You can call me names again. Maybe that will make you feel better. I'm sorry life in Clown World isn't what it used to be, but there's no getting around it -- the jig is up.

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 08:13 PM (yXuTl)

63 Huh? "You challenged my assertion that he's a Christian who doesn't go to church." I don't give a rat's ass if Bush attends church or not. What difference does it make? Is a person less of a Christian or Jew if there is no regular attendance at a church or Synagogue? Your statements get dumber and dumber. Who the hell are you to judge anything about anyone? You are the one who claimed Bush is/was a "drunk, drug addict, playboy, [had an] arrest record, [is a] Christian who doesn't go to church, unskilled, poor servicemen (SIC), twice failed executive." Using drugs at one time does not make someone an addict. Dating more than one woman does not make a man a playboy. Not attending church regularly does not make a man a heathen. You, Earl, are a pathetic little fool.

Posted by: Retired Spy at November 26, 2006 08:15 PM (Xw2ki)

64 Spy -- "Where is the documented evidence to support your claims of ... Christian who doesn't go to church ... Earl?" Do you plead liar or idiot? Now you don't care if it's true or not or not. Classy, very classy! By gum, I envy you Clown Worlders from time to time. What's Arbusto at now? I bet the market cap is still lofty from W's stewardship. Did W get grounded in the Guard or not? You're okay with the fact that W was a cocaine user? He's talked about drinking problems. Not having much of a job, spending a lot of money, drinking a lot and partying doth make for a playboy, no matter many women he dated. Tell me how I'm wrong. The jig's up, Spy. Clown World is a ghost of its old self.

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 08:28 PM (yXuTl)

65 Earl - Why try? Your mind is made up and the door is closed. You believe what you think is the truth and are adamantly opposed to any form of reason to the contrary. Time to dust off the sandals and move on.

Posted by: SouthernRoots at November 26, 2006 08:28 PM (RkTnk)

66 SouthernRoots -- oh but I'm eager for you to change my mind. I'm afraid if what I said above is true then you're, well -- a loser. So why not prove me wrong? Your side has called me a traitor for six years. I'm just warming up.

Posted by: Earl at November 26, 2006 08:35 PM (yXuTl)

67 I believe it would be best for everyone to ignore this Earl person from here on out. It appears that it is he who is the fool and loser.

Posted by: Militant Infidel at November 26, 2006 08:38 PM (Xw2ki)

68 Wasn't it the Dixie Chicks who got famous with a song about getting even with a guy named "Earl". Guess they are in the same place EArl is today---nowhere.

Posted by: brian at November 27, 2006 02:49 PM (K/1G6)

69 Militant Falafel "It appears that it is he who is the fool and loser" I make charge after charge and cite fact after fact and no one, including you, is willing to engage. You just call me names. You will always have a warm fire to return to in Clown World. brian -- That's real interesting. Now run along home son.

Posted by: Earl at November 27, 2006 05:42 PM (yXuTl)

70 I've just had to delete another obscene comment from this thread. I'm closing comments on this post, and starting to consider whether I should install a registered commenting system, or if I should simply do away with the headache of adminstering comments at all, as many other blogs have done.

Posted by: Confederate Yankee at November 28, 2006 10:22 AM (g5Nba)

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